Friday 12 February 2010

late again?

So I've forgotten what my day was and was too lazy to look back , but I am posting, and it is in green! I am really glad to see this blog back up and running. A lot has changed with my life since this blog "ended" , for lack of better words. I work full time at a hotel in buffalo doing overnights, I go to school online and am working towards my associates degree in general studies, and I have no clue what I want to do with my life. I have been thinking about school in London and can not afford Uni there without being majorly in debt for quite some time (now add living expenses on top of that!), this absolutely crushed me but I didn't give up. It made me think, do I really want to do TESOL? My answer , No. I just definitely want to learn Hindi and regain fluency in French. I really think I want to be a personal assistant or administrative assistant, this is where I have been working and I love doing that type of work. I can't NOT be in London though. I left my heart there, and some of the greatest friends I will ever find in life. So I am researching getting a work visa and applying as an admin assistant or possibly transferring with my hotel to work there. I found out that I can continue to take online classes at GCC whilst abroad and plan to finish my associates and then get certified with a bachelors in admin assistant. So right now I am applying for a couple of positions online and going to keep looking and doing more. I am currently revising my CV and hope to get something accomplished. My surgery date is March 30th so I am hoping to have heard from a job or something by that time so that after that I can possibly move out to London. Whatever it takes I will get to London, I have to, I am dying here. It probably sounds dramatic, but it is true. My only other idea is that if London doesn't work out, possibly moving to California until I can get back to London. I just wish that everything works out. I'm so scared and lost.
I miss you all a lot more than I am sure you miss me, but nonetheless my love is with you.

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