Monday 24 August 2009


Okay, so I know it's not my day and this isn't quite a blog..but I'M MOVING TO LONDON!!
20th Sept, so I'll be there just after you guys!! Very excited..and I'll fill you all in on my actual blog day!!!
Look me up; Peckham, Queens Road Station!

Thursday 20 August 2009

better late then never, right?

Hello All --

Sorry for the late post, but I've been quite busy as of late. I had Martin come stay with me for about five days, and the day after he left, my mother went to the hospital for surgery. Tomorrow I am cleaning/taking care of my mother. Then I am heading over a few towns to stay with my great grandmother for the rest of the day/night/next day. After that I'm heading to the airport to pick up Simon and I'll be spending time with him until I drop him off at his university in New York City. Whoaa, I'm a busy lady.

I had a lot of fun with Martin when he came to stay with me in New York. My family stuffed him with as much food as they possibly could. Haha. Sharon and I had planned for her to drive to my house the day after his arrival to surprise him. She stayed from Friday-Sunday. It was a pretty busy visit, actually. We went to the beach, Queens, my brother's surprise party, a baseball game, New York City, to the shops, lots of places. I'm pretty sure I terrified both Martin and Sharon with my driving skills. Although we did end up at our destinations alive and all in one piece. Haha.
It was fun having Martin around, I'm really glad that he came to visit me in New York. I miss him a lot.

Today, I sent in my choreography proposals for dance this semester at Arcadia. I don't really know what song I want to choreograph to, so I proposed three songs. Haha. I'm totally uninspired lately. I know that I want to choreograph a lyrical number, so thats really my only jumping off point. I guess I should head to the dance studio as soon as I can and get to working. I think I need to be in my dance environment to get some inspiration. I hope I get some ideas into my noggin soon.

Challenge Time!

Shipa: First off, I fucking hate rude strangers. THIS ONE DAY, I was having a really bad day. Work sucked, my friends were fighting, it was just a shitty day. I went to 7/11 to get some iced coffee and as I was leaving, my phone rang, so I had my coffee in one hand and my phone in the other. I was walking towards the SEE THROUGH GLASS DOOR with my hands full, I couldn't open the door, I had to ram into it with my hip. Meanwhile, on the other side of the door was a fully able bodied man watching me struggle. FINALLY I get the door open, and forgive me, if I don't hold the door for this douchebag man, since I couldn't hold the door and walk through it at the same time. He bumps into me, hurting me and says, "THANKS FOR HOLDING THE DOOR BITCH" What. The. Fuck. I couldn't hold the door for my fucking self, how could I hold the door for that dickhead? I responded with "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" to which he had no response.

I think you can all think of a time when I wasn't sober and acted a fool. How about that time I swore I was able to walk from Amsterdam to America? Or the time I kept having people in Lindop light my finger on fire. Why don't you comment and tell me your favorite un-sober memory of me. That's my challenge.

I know I didn't complete all the challenges & I'm sorry, but I'm bloody exhausted. I miss you all, a lot. It's almost been one year since we've met. =D

love you much,


Why hello there flat 10!!
I'm very excited that I've become a real life blogger on this wonderful blog!!!
I apologise in advance for my excessive use of exclamations, I can't help using them, I type as I talk!
Alex is sat next to me helpfully hinting on the 'how to be a good blogger' front. It's officially after midnight so I'm apparently blogging on the right day, and hopefully in the right colour!
Right, onto what's been going down in Bournemouth town in the last week..
I'm actually fishing out my diary to remind me!

So, from Weds- Sunday I was running the children's area at a Homeopathic camp; I took Catherine along as my assistant and we basically just dossed around in tents all weekend eating yummy food that we got free from the cafe and squishing some of the many thousands of wasps on the site!
Catherine fell in love with the compost toilets on site, and a creepy creepy man called Paul (I think that was his name) the 21st Century Troupadour fell in love with her! He did a 'musical performance' on the Saturday night and he was AWFUL!!! He sang about the 'goddess' and her luring him into her bed..and all sorts of other wierd things. He also tried to make us dance like toads!!
We had a masquerade ball on the Friday night, Catherine disappeared and I ended up cavorting around a dark tent with lots of middle aged homeopaths wearing masks! We all ended up bashing into each other as we couldn't see, and the guy who was instructing us led is in a bizarre country/ballroom dance class! Was the funniest thing I've done in a while, I couldn't stop laughing!
At some point over the weekend my Blackberry's really really sad! I actually feel a bit lost without it, and I'm back onto my old phone..which doesn't quite hack it anymore!!
It's going to take TEN DAYS to fix!!

On Sunday night we all popped off to the pub quiz, we didn't win the cash prize but we did win the 'speed score', a horrible bottle of wine and a kilo of cheap chocolate!

Monday, I went to visit my friend Amber. I don't see her much as she lives in Salisbury but we had a nice time, she cut my hair a bit and 'deep conditioned' it, because apparently it needed it!

Tuesday was my friend Grace's 18th birthday, she hired out a function room in a pub really far away, so we all trekked out to Warminster (which, if you didn't know, is about 3 hours away from Bournemouth!) The room was all kitted out in fairy lights and candles and pictures of her and us through the years! It was gorgeous!
We ordered dinner and ate it, all really yummy food. Then we drank lots and danced the night away! A couple of disposable cameras were left on the table for us, and we took many pictures which we later regretted!!
I left with a party bag and slept at my friend Roanne's in an attempt to get back to Bournemouth early enough to meet Alex the next day!

The buses were horrible on Wednesday so I got to Bournemouth 2 hours after I intended, I boogied to the BIC (Bournemouth International Centre) to watch everybody ice skating. Alex and Shipa were shuffling around the edge of the rink, holding onto the edge!
It was a super hot day and after a 2 hour visit to Asda we decided to go back to mine for a bbq.
We failed at the bbq idea and just ate things cooked the conventional oven way!
Then Chris Lee and Claire came around and we all just lazed about!

Thursday- the day that's only just finished, began with a late wake up..then a wonder into Poole where we took my baby Blackberry to get fixed and saw Chris Lee at work! We then went to Burger King for a meal, and then Spoons for a curry almost immediately after!
We then ventured to Bournemouth to watch the 'world record attempt for the most fireworks set off in the space of a minute', it's apparently a big deal!
We packed Shipa off to the station and then gathered with people in Bournemouth gardens for a bit of predrinking. We then followed the crowds down to the beach..which was PACKED!!! I've never seen so many people in Bournemouth before! The fireworks were RUBBISH and we lost everybody!! The boat carrying the fireworks caught on fire and they all failed miserably!
Then Alex and I came home, and I attempted to make caramel shortbread and burnt my tounge! I also used too cheap chocolate and it melted funny and is now stuck in lumps on top :(
Bit of a bummer!
Anyway, it's now 1:37 am, Alex has tootled off to bed, and I'm writing far too much boring shit about myself on this! Sorry!! I think it's just first post excitement; I'll make the next one shorter- promise!
Love love love- Laura! x

I can't quite work out everyone's I'll do the ones I can easily see!

Shar: An experience. Okay, well the most surreal night of my life was fueled by drugs and alcohol (and probably not approved of by most people reading this!). It was at a festival when I was 16/17?! Me and a friend got drunk on red wine, smoked some green, took some shrooms, traded a couple of E's for the rest of our bottle of wine, and then smoked some skunk. She had a wierd reaction to it and went to bed because she couldn't see!?!?!
I had an AMAZING evening, I only remember snippets of it; but I ended up in a cinema tent watching Withnail and I with some strangers, then some crazy lady spilt her wine on me, she kept baa'ing through the film and falling over. I then stumbled on to a wooden structure where some people took photos and showed me the 'aura' lights in them. Then a boy gave me his clip on tail, I fell asleep by a fire, was awoken by people singing, danced the night away, ended up in some bumpercars, drummed with an old Rasta, chatted some shit and ended up back in my tent at 6am! It was incredible but crazy; and on reflection, a ridiculously stupid thing to do! Would never do it again; but yeah, that's my experience!

Shipa: Infuriating stranger. What really annoys me is thick, ignorant people, and I've realised there's a fair few about at the moment. An example is the people on the bus with us earlier. One woman kept moaning 'why is the bus fucking stopping, it's already packed full of people, they can't let anymore people on?' The guy sat with her was one of those men who thinks he knows how everything works and can't possibly be wrong, he kept giving her reasons, all of which were stupid and he failed to notice the real reason..that people actually needed to be let OFF of the bus when they wanted to leave! They were also playing really annoying chavvy tunes through their phone speakers and one was talking about the 'Playboy' bunny tattoo she wanted. Eugh. They were horrific!

Xtine: "When I opened the door, I never expected to see Alex naked!"
He went upstairs earlier and told me that if I opened the door and it slammed into something it would be him getting changed!

My challenge:
I want each of you to write your favourite memory with each of the other bloggers.
Also, I'd like you to write something that reminds you of them!
(Shar, Xtine and Gabs you can't really write about each other..but do everybody else!)

Wednesday 19 August 2009

I refuse to believe Lady Gaga is a transvestite.

So how have i been this past week? week and a half ? It has been ABSOLUTELY SHITE. So for those of you who don't know, I failed my french class at QM and they therefore told me that I was no longer accepted. This came as a huge blow as you can surely imagine due to the fact that living and studying in London is MY LIFE.. I don't want to be anywhere else, I refuse to be anywhere else. Also because we had just found a house :-(. SO this past week I have been struggling to figure out what to do to stay and have applied to Greenwich University( which have been fucking me about, and waiting to hear from them). I also called University of East London, who told me to call back tomorrow at 8 and they MAY be able to give me a yes or no answer on the phone. I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying for this! I am switching my major..again! but this is it this time! ( I SWEAR) to TESOL/English Language teaching.

Other than all of that, I have been trying to stay positive mainly. I went to the American Idol Live tour and it was amazing, I was about 3 rows from the stage. Before the concert we decorated our car with paint (pics below). The concert started at 7pm but we left Medina at 9:30 am and got there around 10:30 and stood inside waiting for the meet and greet. I still can't believe I got to meet Danny Gokey, Matt Giraud (my favourite), Lil Rounds, Allison, Meghan(eww), Michael Sarver!, and KRIS ALLEN. I was a bit upset that Adam Lambert didn't come out, but apparently he was sick, and Anoop didn't come out either :-( . The concert was amazing and DANNY GOKEY SERENADED ME!! during one of his songs, I am still squeeing! They are coming to syracuse in September before (if i leave) and I will be going to see them again, we have 3rd row front center tickets!
So as if that wasn't awesome enough, When I opened the door I never expected to see a skype call from thetomgreenshow. Tom Green has an online show that people can skype in and ask ?'s and such and they have a signup list that i signed up for. So there was a message saying they were doing work on skype and testing, so thats what it was. So finally after 3 attempts , I get connected through and my video pops up and theirs does and its just a tech guy and he goes "WOAH, lady your picture is soo clear! " he kept going on and asking questions and what not then he CALLED OVER TOM GREEN and says look at her video! I ABOUT DIED! then Tom waved and said hi and asked me a few questions and my name and generally chatted to me for about 5 seconds.. It was awesome. SO the next day, don't I get another call from them testing and what not, and who's there again? TOM! He was leaving but he waved and remembered my name!!!! I then turned into mush and sounded a bit gaga - ish and said bye haha.

OTher than that not much has been happening in Medinatown, although I want to KILL SHIPA for making me ever listen to that stupid Lily Allen song 'Fuck You' that IS and has been stuck in my head everysince Flat 10. That's a lot of listening to a stupid whore transvestite slag that I don't like! But damn is it one catchy tune!

As per sharon's challenge : i can't explain other than say to watch metalocalypse and watch the episode when they mention chocolate a lot. HAHAHA IT's how they pronounce it, now imagine me doing that and being out there, and add in some guitar hero... yeah...those were the days.

as per shipas challenge:(part 1- stranger danger) most recent time? I work in a hotel... i have MANY examples. best one yet..
S=Stranger M=me
*please note this was after the stranger had attended a phish concert, been evicted from his room earlier in the day for smoking pot in the room and possesion of drugs and paraphenelia, and this was now 2am the next morning , and told at the gate he was not allowed in the hotel, SHOVED the old lady at the gate and walked in*
S(looking down and hands crossed(prison walk position..i was scared)= uh hi I left a book in my room today and i need that book , i need to go to my room and get it, it was a present and its their birthday and i need the book.
m= well nothing was turned into to the front desk lost and found from housekeeping, uhm let me check the back.
*calls security and manager*
basically this guy was crazy and wanted this book which probably had a stash of drugs and finally the lieutenant had to come and take him was really scary
(part 2-eenie meenie ) lets just say this lyric somes it up " to the left to the left, in a box to the left " haha

Monday 17 August 2009

Monday's Merriment Makes Many Mouth Musicals...

Hi all,

Wow so what a shitty week I've had...

I'll get the rant about work out of the way first! I have been put on cleaning duties 3 days straight! My whole shift has been spent scrubbing and scraping...and I'm on about £5 less per hour than the lazy sods who's job it is to clean! In the end I ended up with a really bad back and was unable to go in yesterday as it was so bad I couldn't get out of bed!

I have also been having major problems getting a guarantor for the new house as both my mom and my dad cannot provide certain sections of the required documents (work references and Proof of home ownership and the like!) And I don't really have anyone else left to ask except my sister. And she will probably say NO!!!

Plus no one seems to have been posting except for me, Christine, Shipa and Sharon...Having considered last weeks challenges from me and Kelly I thought this would not be the case! Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would stop this early :(

Okay about the challenges...

Shipa my infuriating stranger memory has to be ALL the stupid customers at work who expect you to know their order before they tell you! One woman in particular asked me for 8 pops...when I asked her what size and flavour she wanted she turned to her daughter (about 12 years younger than her) and said "You'd better deal with him, I've already had enough of him" I mean WTF!!!!!!!!! I very nearly refused to serve her after that...we can refuse as long as a manager agrees with us or we are being abused...I felt abused!!!

Sharon, It was under the influence of alcohol I once text one of my best friends confessing my undying love to him. My mate, who is straight, luckily took it as a drunken prank and still to this day does not (to my knowledge) know I'm gay. Unfortunately Kim's love interest was a little spooked when he got the same message sent to him off her phone...typed by yours truly. And then someone told her the next day "Alex did it" and she spent almost 8 months blaming Alex Gunter before she mentioned it to me one day and i told her it was me :)

Christine...When I opened the door, I never expected to see Laxmi's boobs...long story and one that could be quite embarrassing if I posted it on here so i shall least not right now!


Sunday 16 August 2009


i wasn't sure if i'd get a chance to post today as im leaving for my road trip at 4am. I'm super excited! my friend casey and i are driving from new jersey, stopping for the night in tennessee (home of country/bluegrass music), and continuing to new orleans (where that big hurricane was). anyway, it's going to be a blast but i'll tell you guys all about that next week.

shipa, when i saw your post my first thought was "what the cute boys?" and when you asked which one was more handsome i looked back at the pics and decided that the boy on the RIGHT in the second picture is more attractive to me than either of the other two.

strangers tend to infuriate me quite often, but most recently it would have to be the stupid spic working at taco bell this past weekend who told me that i couldnt have a spicy chicken crunchwrap supreme. i found out today from a much friendlier taco bell employee that for some reason none of the taco bells have spicy chicken anymore, but she was kind enough to tell me that i could still have regular chicken, so i was able to get that and just put spicy sauce on it myself. the other jerk just told me i couldnt have chicken, thus infuriating me.

christine i dont remember what your challenge was but i feel like since i just saw you im not obligated to do it. (i know it makes no sense) also, where the fuck is everyone else? i feel like were starting to get really bad at this.

challenge is to buy me an ipod and/or give me $250. jkjk i cant think right now, i have a headache from having 7 drinks before 5:00. i need to go buy 5 hour energy. do you even have that in england? its absolutely the best! ... except when you take 4 in one day. ok new challenge (although you are still welcome to buy me an ipod) tell us about an experience under the influence of drugs or alcohol (that is, if you remember it)


Saturday 15 August 2009

Okay so I didn't post last tuesday because I was at Catherine's and she doesn't have internet connection... BUT I DID have an awesome time helping her make things to make her house look homely! They even have a mini ZOO corner now!! :D AND her amazing flatmate's friend [Teresa from America] was there and she made A GIANT ZEBRA head so that the WHOLE heater looks like a huge Zebra. [You can imagine how impressed I was with her skills!]

And much to my surprise Catherine genuinely wanted to meet Ruairidh and so she invited him to hers and there was a mini [epic fail BBQ] get together where we all ate Pizza and other oven rubbish and got drunk. It was a lovely evening of fun.

Friday we went to THORPE PARK! It was bloody awesome. I had so much fun and we went with lots of lovely people sooo it wasn't stressful and I didn't mind queuing and chatting to them for a while. THE NEW SAW ride is AMAZING. DEFINITELY worth queuing for 70 minutes.

Saturday I spent the day with many persons in Bournemouth and a great deal of the day was me and Yannis becoming friends I guess... mainly because we were shoving ice down each others backs. Alex, I reckon you would like him! :D

Sunday- I went bowling with Yannis and Ru. (Yannis won, in the end... I think?) and to the cinema to watch the proposal which turned out to be MOST hilarious!! And I advise people to watch THAT over the ugly truth. [Which I watched a few days later with my cousin and sisters.]

Monday- I watched some tv shows with Ru and Yan yan, the shows were funny and I was quite tired so it was nice to sit back. This followed a meal at a THAI restaurant! This made me VERY happy. The food was YUMMY. But not as AMAZING as the one in Poole. I am taking YOU there Christine, if you come to Poole. Ever? Oh, and Laura wants to upload pictures and things of our hometown so I guess I shall leave that to her.

Tuesday- Cousin and sisters day! :D Lots of girly fun and siblings fun. :) My brother hid my laptop so he could use the laptop charger [I keep taking his as mine decided to melt itself- yes, the new one, Kelly.] So I didn't get to blog on that day, either.

Wednesday- I got to see Catherine! We did some girly catch up and shopping too! Then we met Ru and Yannis and I forced them to go to "all fired up" with me! Which is a place where you can decorate mugs and plates and things with paints and get them all glazed up and ready to take home! So when Alex comes on Wednesday he shall be able to see my shiny new mug! :D :D :D

Thursday- Work, Quasar- [a laser gun activity thing where you run around and shoot the opposing team with these laser gun things and score points for your team.] I scored -1000. It was a seriously large epic fail. However Yannis and Ruairidh must have OWNED as we still beat the other team of FOUR by one point! Heh. Ooooh, and Gaura [Laura wrixon] met Yannis this day and BOY did they CLASH. [They are both very opinionated; Yannis enjoys arguing and Laura likes to think she is VERY intelligent and doesn't care what new people think of her (thats her defence) SO you can imagine the fireworks forming from nothing.]

Friday- I went and baked cookies at Yannis' during the day- and I practiced my tarot some more! :D I think Yannis quite liked my readings! [Hope you're proud, Alex!] Umm, and then I got to spend a lovely walk to the bus station alone with Ruairidh and we had a long chat- it was nice to get some quality time. :) Then I got home to my big sister's birthday party and I had to stop myself from maiming one of her AWFUL friend's. Who is an INSECURE COW and treats my big sister like shit and is two- faced and annoying. [I was happy to know all of my big sister's other friends- who I do like- also HATE her and my big sister is starting to "phase" this cowbag out of her life]

Saturday- TODAY! Umm, I went to work and it was lovely as it was the weekend and ALL of us were in and we could all catch up and listen to music and keep an eye out for one another as one of us texts on the phone etc. :) Then I took my big sister shopping as its her ACTUAL birthday today and she decided she didn't like anything and just said I should give her a tenner after we spent a while tottering around the shops. But yes, she seemed happy and her friends have planned her birthday activities so yeah, I am stuck at home BORED. But I should get to sleep as I have work early... Ugh. I was meant to plan out heath twins birthday actitivites... Grrr. I shall do it soon. I have a while... :S

Shar, I watched Magnolia. The plot is somewhat awful. You should ONLY watch the opening of that film as its quite impressively done.

I love banoffee pie. I want to be Banoffee pie. I tastes so good and it pretends to be healthy by having some banana in it. Just like me... I pretend to be healthy but we know its not true.

MY challange is.... hahaha, tell me of an incident when a stranger has INFURIATED you for some reason or another.

I love you all, and sorry for the delay. I HAVE been reading the posts and been enjoying them GREATLY. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY excitement for ALEX coming baby!! :D

Good night for now! X x x x x x x x x x x x x

Also, can you tell me YOUR opinion on which of these two males is more "typically handsome", the guy on the left in the picture of the two boys or the guy in the other picture?

Wednesday 12 August 2009

good news all around. =]

WIN: I just pwned Kelly and Alex's challenge.

So this week, I don't really have much to tell ...

MARTIN IS FLYING INTO JFK TOMORROW!! I'm so excited to go pick him up!! He's spending five days in New York with me, it's going to be great!!! I think this is the most excited I've been about anything all summer. Haha. Idk though, I was super stoked to get my license.

I'M DONE WITH WORK! Wow, you have no idea how fucking happy I am about that. I'M DONE. I just love saying it. I'm done! This summer I just started to hate working there, and everyday it just got worse and worse because everyday I started to hate it more and more. We are allowed to begin to sign out at 3:30 and by 3:32 I was on the highway, speeding just to get away from the fucking place.

Oh! Little update on my health!! I went for testing on Monday & I'm going to live. I need to make some adjustments to my daily living to keep the ailment under control, but it looks as though I will survive. I went under anestesia for the first time for this testing. It was fucking crazy, I hated it, I seriously don't remember a fucking thing, which I find to be kind of terrible. It took me almost an hour to shake off the anestesia, and I couldn't really function/think well for the rest of the day.

Sorry this post is so short, I don't really have much to write home about. Next week, I'll definately have more to write, as I am sure I will have an eventful week with Martin! My challenge for ya'll this week is to complete this sentence: "When I opened the door, I never expected to see ____________"

I'm tired, so I'm signing off.
Goodnight my loves.

I suck at life, no need to rub it in

So I think we've all realised by now that I've failed kelly/alex's challenge of posting on the right day in the right color etc. It's kinda funny actually because i was thinking of what i wanted my challenge to be before i even read those and i was going to challenge everyone to post on the WRONG day! nobody's gonna tell me when to post! down with the king! anarchy in the uk!

actually, i kinda think it would be funny if i just posted whenever i felt like it, on different days of the week, in different colors. but i guess we need a bit of structure here right? ill attempt to post on my proper day next week, but im not sure if i'll be able to as i'm leaving for new orleans that day. yes, my friend casey and i are driving down to knoxville, tennessee on sunday and then continuing on to new orleans, louisiana on tuesday. so excited! I'm also so poor because im not gonna be working for that whole week and i just bought new tires for my care and i have a hefty speeding ticket to pay. not to mention, i could really use a new ipod. my goal to save money this year is not going too well.

the reason i decided to post just now actually has to do with the dessert i want to be. Lately i have been craving ben & jerry's baked alaska but i couldn't find it in any stores. so i went online to and tried to find it. to my surprise, it wasnt even on there! i thought maybe they dont make it anymore or maybe its called something else, so i searched and searched and finally i decided to check, and sure enough its a flavour that they only have in europe. so for my challenge im offering a monetary reward (in your choice of currency) for the first person who can bring me a pint of ben & jerry's baked alaska ice cream!

for my real challenge though, i want you to post like a secret message in your blog by making some words a different colour so when you read the words that are the other colour it reveals the message. since i'm fairly certain the wording of this challenge makes no sense, read just the white words in this paragraph to see the message.

Monday 10 August 2009

2 Epic Fails Later...

Right I'd like to start off by completing Kelly's challenge =P
Second I thought I should show my disgust at the fact two people have already epically failed this task!

So this weekk has been wonderful...had some great news the new house is sorted and we shall be moving in on the 4th....for this i would like to thank Laxmi who worked it all out for us and got it sorted!

Work has been really odd! My manager, Vikki, has been on holiday for a week and is off for another one and she seems to have lost her marbles before she went! The rostas are all over the place...we have 2 people in on wednesday and saturday nights which are the busiest times ever and have 5 or 6 people on monday lunchtime one of the quietist times ever!

I've endedup loosing 2 hours today being sent home early and very nearly lost the whole shift! I would like to thank Dan who did go home at 12 so i didn't have to :) Ta mate!

I'm working virtually every day now...with only wednesday of until sunday...I then have monday-friday off woopie and I shall be spending wednesday through friday in bournemouth so I get to see my Sheep-sheep and Laura yay!

Challenge time!

Christine I would show people the Black Country Museum and Dudley Zoo and Castle! These are two brilliant days out with lots to see =P I'd get them some oldy worldy fish and chips, and we could leg a barge into the severn sisters cavens at the museum and we could go and see alll the animals at the zoo! At night we could do a ghost walk from the UK's most haunted hotel; The Station Hotel! Then if I had them for a third day I would take them to Birmingham to go shopping =) Finally I would HAVE to take them (And I have taken Fraz) to the Wren's Nest Nature Reserve fossil hunting as we are the only home to the dudley bug...the Calymene blumenbachi. We's have to go as I am a member of The Friends of the Wren's Nest the group who care for this important peice of heratage...Oh and they would have to come to my Mom's for sunday lunch!
Dudley Castle
Actors from the Black Country Museum

The Dudley Bug!

I would be a christmas reasons would be I am big, round and slightly alcoholic :)

As no-one else even bothered to post lol I shall now set my challenge is a repeat of kelly's everyone is to post on their right day in their right colour completing all challenges and setting their own!

Friday 7 August 2009

a day late and a dollar short

Yes, It's Friday and I am posting a day late. My deepest apologies, but you try working 2 full time jobs and have time for anything more than sleep! I had to quit my third job because I went 42 hours with out sleep but with constant working. It is currently 6:44 am here in good Old Western New York, and I just got out of my overnight shift and now at my office job until noonish.

What's happening in the world of Kelly you may ask? Well not much really, other than work, and oh yeah did I mention I got AMAZING tickets to see American Idol tour <3>
s, and an Ihome-so that we can blare and jam out to Idol before and after the show! I am very excited about going and you can see this by going to my twitter - and checking out my bubbletweets ( tweets/updates that are in the form of a video). Shameless self promotion, I know. So in case I didn't already mention it, not sure and too lazy to look back I am teaching myself Hindi. I am currently working on getting the script memorized ( Devangari). It's quite difficult, but by next week I want to at least have all the vowels and consonants memorized, along with proper pronunciations. I am also reading two amazing books that I would recommend you all to read if you haven't already..they are " of Human Bondage"- W.Somerset Maugham and " Rooftops of Tehran" -Mahbod Seraji. As for the film challenge, I watched The Orphan which i hadn't really heard of.. It was creepy and ended horribly" I'm not your fucking mother" was my favourite line. Also I skipped out on shipas last challenge so here it is: my craziest moment on a bus would have to be either the gaysians, which alex stated, or if we can use my guard bus, the best was on the way home from a guard show we prank called our band director who was in the bus behind us and his sister who was in our bus! They luckily didn't get mad, but pranked us back by making us think they were mad and pulling the bus over.

As per Alex's challenge, I think its quite painfully obvious what candy/dessert I would be... a white kinder bueno. Why? Well caus I am white on the outside, but its blates obvious I am brown on the inside!!

For Christines challenge: My town is very small but close to some major attractions including a world wonder! Yet in my town, my church is in Guiness book of world records for being the only church in the middle of the street!!

My town also holds claim to the Culvert , which is famous because it is the ONLY road that goes under the Erie Canal. ( For UK'ers the Erie Canal is hugely famous due to the fact that it runs all the way across NY from buffalo to albany.(Picture below) I drive under it on my way to work every day. It is annoying especially when you are trying to jam out to your radio and it cuts off because there is a freakin canal above you..

Also, I am about a 45 minute drive from Niagara Falls,NY and about an hour 15min ( depending on how long it takes to get over the bridge) drive to Canada. One of the world wonders, The Niagara Falls consist of two waterfalls that are immensely huge. There is a boat/walking tour you can take called Maid of the Mist and you can ride pretty close to the falls and you have to wear a raincoat due to the mist, hence the name. Then you can go walk on some slippery rocks and walk behind the falls. Its so amazingly cool! Of course after this we always go to Canada, Toronto area and hang out at Clifton Hill...which is as labeled a large hill filled with museums, stores, clubs, restaurants and all that fun stuff. Plus there's a hersheys store that gives out free fudge samples...mmmmm

As for my challenge, as I am perusing through this blog, I have noticed certain people don't post on their days..EVER. So my challenge is that everyone post on time /on the day/ in the right colour/ following the right challenges..etc. Please note that the post must be posted on the day you post in YOUR timezone, seeing as 3 americans are in one timezone, 1 american is in another, and then of course you UK lot are in yours.

Love and miss all of you very much, and speaking of how much I miss you all, I was thinking ( uh-0h!) perhaps we could arrange a 5 year reunion for all of us, seeing as some of us will see more than others, etc. I was thinking maybe do this and travel to one spot, could be some one's home town or all agree on a place we've never been? Maybe do so every 10 years? Just a thought. Let me know how you all feel about it. Off to finish up work and then finally get some sleep...MAYBE lol


Thursday 6 August 2009

blood sucker.

So sorry for not posting yesterday. I was a bit distracted. I'll spare you all the gory details. In short, I had a doctor appointment yesterday. He told me I had to get blood work done today & I'm going for a procedure on Monday. I don't do so well with all this medical stuff, I cry and faint really easily. So, hope Monday comes soon for me & all goes well. I'm really concerned about all this, so I've been dealing with stress headaches and worry. Monday will come soon enough and this will be over in no time. I'm fine, going to live and all, but this is just something I have to attend to. The good thing from all of this, is that I got to meet a new AWESOME doctor. I swear to god, if this guy wasn't like 15 years older than me, we'd be best friends. He's hilarious & one of those really insanely intelligent people, who isn't a dick about it. Good times, I totally trust everything he's saying & he doesn't treat me like I'm some dumb little kid. I mean, I'm not some dumb little kid, but I've had some doctors that treated me like that. =( No worries though, I know I'm in good hands.

Since I'm in the process of having all this done, I get to take two days off of work! Haha! Now I only have two more days!! YAAAAAAAY! Although, I started to really like the classroom I was placed in, and driving myself to work is immensely better than hitching a ride with other people. Although, most mediocre things must come to an end and I'm not that broken up about not having to work for the rest of the month. =]

One week from today, Martin flies into JFK airport & I will be anxiously waiting at the airport to meet him! I'm so excited to see him! It's going to be great! We're going to a baseball game, and the beach, my brother's surprise birthday cook out & there will even be a surprise guest joining us for part of his visit! =] Oh & I am so happy I can drive us around while he's here instead of having to ask my mom to drive us everywhere. Hahaha.

Okay ... challenge time!

Alex: I would probably be a canoli filled cake. Canoli because I'm Italian. Cake because it has many layers & so do I. - Oh, and it's also delicious. I've never tasted myself, but I'm sure I taste delicious. =]

Sharon: At work, I had to watch the movie version of the Cat In The Hat ... the script was exactly the book. It was animated. Kind of annoying to watch. The kids liked it though. I'm sure you wanted us to watch a more mature film, but um, I spend most of my time with little ones. I'm sure if you were high, this film would be considerably more funny. I recommend this film for children or high people.

Kelly: My goal for the end of the year is to get a semester full of A+'s. It's my last semester of classes & I have to go out with a BANG.

Shipa: You didn't post or leave a challenge which is less than awesome.

My crazy picture shows when I flooded my kitchen with my roommates in order to make an indoor slip and slide:

In the spirit of Martin's visit to New York, I want to know what you would show any of us if we were to come to YOUR hometown. If I were to tell you I'm coming to visit you, what would you take me to do/see?
love you much,

Monday 3 August 2009

Monday Makes Many Men Masticate!

Hi everyone!
So what has been happening in the life of Hulland!?
Here we go...Work!!! lol
Okay so I've been trying so epically hard to try and get down to Bournemouth to see Shipa and Laura but due to work I ain't been able to go anywhere! I've been on nearly every day and most of the day at that...I ended up supervising yesterday as I was the most experienced member of staff on...and I've only been there a month!
It's my sister's birthday on Thursday coming...she wants to go and see Harry Potter and then go to pizza hut so you'll all get your wish for me to see it...against my will!
mmm...just finished my dinner...Chinese pork...Shipa's favourite lmao
kk challenge time:
My best bus moment, Shipa, has to be the Gasians on the 205! lmao these two guys were like huddled across the isle from us at the back of the first we (me, Kelly and James) thought they were whispering about us but after about ten Min's we started hearing this sloppy noise...turns out these two Asian lads were full on making out the whole time...and they carried on for the rest of the twenty minute journey...a bit gross but the look on our faces when we realised was priceless = P
Kelly I challenge myself to go out more clubbing next semester than I did in the previous two...I feel like this is both a good and easy challenge as you well know guys I'm not a keen clubber!
Sharon! Last night randomly watch a film called "Event Horizon"... Thanks to you I wasted a good 2 hours of my life watching a really poorly made film with a virtually non-existent plot line, starring that guy off of Jurassic park (the male professor/doctor guy that hates children...i think he comes back in the third one too) basically it was about a space-ship which slips into a parallel universe and the crew go mad/eat each others eyes...then a new crew is sent out to find out what happened...give you three guesses what happens to the new crew...yep that's right! They all go mad and eat each others eyes! BORING Please I beg you not to watch will not get that time back and you could do something much more productive, say watch paint dry!
As Gabi and Laxmi haven't posted so far this week I shall finish with my crazy picky Christine...
but as I'm so mental and all my photos are crazy lol (big head or what) I posted a new and an old one...if you like what you see here please do view all 688 other crazy photo's on my facebook ;)
Me ready for Biomedical Science Practicals

Me, Lucy and Jessica drew mustaches and beards on our hands...don't ask me why!


My Challenge is to tell me that if you could be any dessert/chocolate which you would be and give a GOOD reason as to why you would be that dessert/chocolate

Sunday 2 August 2009

Stopped Speeding Sunday Seriously Sucks.

Ok, so i feel like i should start out kinda explaining my title. I wasn't stopped speeding on sunday, it was wednesday, but it still seriously sucked. My ex-boyfriend/fuck buddy, Dan (christine you're probably giving my post dirty looks right now, the same looks i give to your texts about tom lol) anyway, dan came to visit me, which was a really nice thing to do (about a year too late, but i still appreciate it) on wednesday we went into philly for some sight seeing, went out for lunch, and then decided to drive down to atlantic city. as i was driving on the ac expressway, this van comes up behind me and is completely riding my ass so i sped up, giving into the van's demands. then i pass a police car parked behind some trees on the side of the road, so i slowed down but the cop pulled out. he didnt pull me over right away he just kinda followed me a bit until i got up to 65mph. thats when he turned those familiar flashing lights on and i pulled over. then dan wakes up (apparently he fell asleep) and looks at me and says "is everything ok why are we stopping?" i just stared at him right back and said "have you looked behind us?" anyway, long story slightly shorter - it's the end of the month and cops have quotas so the asshole wrote me a ticket for going 92 in a 65. as i pulled over i put on that song by akon and wheezy about going 90 in a 65.
after that ordeal atlantic city was smooth sailing. we went into a casino and we were playing those 25 cent slot machines (i guess thats like 15p) i put in $10 and played a few times until i was down like $1.25 then i said to dan "this is boring lets play something else" then i spun the thing one last time and it just started dinging like crazy and the numbers just kept going up and i had no idea when it was gonna stop! and when it finally did i saw that i won $120!!! so happy! and then i played a different machine and won another $30. now ofcourse i have to spend all that money and more on that fucking speeding ticket.

since i am now close to being in debt, i will set my goal for myself. i think i should actually try to save some money. i'm going to try to save $1000 a month, or as close to that as i can get, so I can have at least $10,000 saved up by the time i graduate. damn this is never gonna happen. im looking at it now just shaking my head in disbelief that im actually setting such an impossible goal. for some people this shits easy, but im ridiculous when it comes to spending/losing money.

best experience on a bus would probably be the time i had sex on a bus after junior prom. i didnt actually go to the prom i just went to the after party and did it on a parked bus ... along with 3 other couples from my school.

Celebrity i would party/do drugs with would have to be lindsay lohan. remember that kelly? we totally tried.

for some reason this piece of shit wont let me upload a photo or change the font color right now (fuck my life) so im gonna try to do it in a new post but i cant figure out how to delete the old post. grrr. ok i was able to change the font color but i still cant upload a fucking photo.

Nevermind, I've figured out the problem and all is now well in the world. please enjoy this insane picture of me riding a mechanical bull half naked during mardi gras in new orleans. this is in response to christines challenge of posting a crazy/ridiculous picture.

anyway challenge is to watch a movie you've never seen or heard of and just tell us what it is and whether or not you'd recommend it. I actually did that last night (love netflix) young people fucking and it follows five different relationships through like one sexual experience. the whole idea of it seemed pretty cool and there were a few funny bits but it ended up being kinda lame.

much love!