Monday 17 August 2009

Monday's Merriment Makes Many Mouth Musicals...

Hi all,

Wow so what a shitty week I've had...

I'll get the rant about work out of the way first! I have been put on cleaning duties 3 days straight! My whole shift has been spent scrubbing and scraping...and I'm on about £5 less per hour than the lazy sods who's job it is to clean! In the end I ended up with a really bad back and was unable to go in yesterday as it was so bad I couldn't get out of bed!

I have also been having major problems getting a guarantor for the new house as both my mom and my dad cannot provide certain sections of the required documents (work references and Proof of home ownership and the like!) And I don't really have anyone else left to ask except my sister. And she will probably say NO!!!

Plus no one seems to have been posting except for me, Christine, Shipa and Sharon...Having considered last weeks challenges from me and Kelly I thought this would not be the case! Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would stop this early :(

Okay about the challenges...

Shipa my infuriating stranger memory has to be ALL the stupid customers at work who expect you to know their order before they tell you! One woman in particular asked me for 8 pops...when I asked her what size and flavour she wanted she turned to her daughter (about 12 years younger than her) and said "You'd better deal with him, I've already had enough of him" I mean WTF!!!!!!!!! I very nearly refused to serve her after that...we can refuse as long as a manager agrees with us or we are being abused...I felt abused!!!

Sharon, It was under the influence of alcohol I once text one of my best friends confessing my undying love to him. My mate, who is straight, luckily took it as a drunken prank and still to this day does not (to my knowledge) know I'm gay. Unfortunately Kim's love interest was a little spooked when he got the same message sent to him off her phone...typed by yours truly. And then someone told her the next day "Alex did it" and she spent almost 8 months blaming Alex Gunter before she mentioned it to me one day and i told her it was me :)

Christine...When I opened the door, I never expected to see Laxmi's boobs...long story and one that could be quite embarrassing if I posted it on here so i shall least not right now!



  1. someone who guaranties to pay for your rent should you needs one if you under 21 in britain to rent a property

  2. Plus no one seems to have been posting except for me, Christine, Shipa and Sharon

    AND ME!
