Thursday 20 August 2009


Why hello there flat 10!!
I'm very excited that I've become a real life blogger on this wonderful blog!!!
I apologise in advance for my excessive use of exclamations, I can't help using them, I type as I talk!
Alex is sat next to me helpfully hinting on the 'how to be a good blogger' front. It's officially after midnight so I'm apparently blogging on the right day, and hopefully in the right colour!
Right, onto what's been going down in Bournemouth town in the last week..
I'm actually fishing out my diary to remind me!

So, from Weds- Sunday I was running the children's area at a Homeopathic camp; I took Catherine along as my assistant and we basically just dossed around in tents all weekend eating yummy food that we got free from the cafe and squishing some of the many thousands of wasps on the site!
Catherine fell in love with the compost toilets on site, and a creepy creepy man called Paul (I think that was his name) the 21st Century Troupadour fell in love with her! He did a 'musical performance' on the Saturday night and he was AWFUL!!! He sang about the 'goddess' and her luring him into her bed..and all sorts of other wierd things. He also tried to make us dance like toads!!
We had a masquerade ball on the Friday night, Catherine disappeared and I ended up cavorting around a dark tent with lots of middle aged homeopaths wearing masks! We all ended up bashing into each other as we couldn't see, and the guy who was instructing us led is in a bizarre country/ballroom dance class! Was the funniest thing I've done in a while, I couldn't stop laughing!
At some point over the weekend my Blackberry's really really sad! I actually feel a bit lost without it, and I'm back onto my old phone..which doesn't quite hack it anymore!!
It's going to take TEN DAYS to fix!!

On Sunday night we all popped off to the pub quiz, we didn't win the cash prize but we did win the 'speed score', a horrible bottle of wine and a kilo of cheap chocolate!

Monday, I went to visit my friend Amber. I don't see her much as she lives in Salisbury but we had a nice time, she cut my hair a bit and 'deep conditioned' it, because apparently it needed it!

Tuesday was my friend Grace's 18th birthday, she hired out a function room in a pub really far away, so we all trekked out to Warminster (which, if you didn't know, is about 3 hours away from Bournemouth!) The room was all kitted out in fairy lights and candles and pictures of her and us through the years! It was gorgeous!
We ordered dinner and ate it, all really yummy food. Then we drank lots and danced the night away! A couple of disposable cameras were left on the table for us, and we took many pictures which we later regretted!!
I left with a party bag and slept at my friend Roanne's in an attempt to get back to Bournemouth early enough to meet Alex the next day!

The buses were horrible on Wednesday so I got to Bournemouth 2 hours after I intended, I boogied to the BIC (Bournemouth International Centre) to watch everybody ice skating. Alex and Shipa were shuffling around the edge of the rink, holding onto the edge!
It was a super hot day and after a 2 hour visit to Asda we decided to go back to mine for a bbq.
We failed at the bbq idea and just ate things cooked the conventional oven way!
Then Chris Lee and Claire came around and we all just lazed about!

Thursday- the day that's only just finished, began with a late wake up..then a wonder into Poole where we took my baby Blackberry to get fixed and saw Chris Lee at work! We then went to Burger King for a meal, and then Spoons for a curry almost immediately after!
We then ventured to Bournemouth to watch the 'world record attempt for the most fireworks set off in the space of a minute', it's apparently a big deal!
We packed Shipa off to the station and then gathered with people in Bournemouth gardens for a bit of predrinking. We then followed the crowds down to the beach..which was PACKED!!! I've never seen so many people in Bournemouth before! The fireworks were RUBBISH and we lost everybody!! The boat carrying the fireworks caught on fire and they all failed miserably!
Then Alex and I came home, and I attempted to make caramel shortbread and burnt my tounge! I also used too cheap chocolate and it melted funny and is now stuck in lumps on top :(
Bit of a bummer!
Anyway, it's now 1:37 am, Alex has tootled off to bed, and I'm writing far too much boring shit about myself on this! Sorry!! I think it's just first post excitement; I'll make the next one shorter- promise!
Love love love- Laura! x

I can't quite work out everyone's I'll do the ones I can easily see!

Shar: An experience. Okay, well the most surreal night of my life was fueled by drugs and alcohol (and probably not approved of by most people reading this!). It was at a festival when I was 16/17?! Me and a friend got drunk on red wine, smoked some green, took some shrooms, traded a couple of E's for the rest of our bottle of wine, and then smoked some skunk. She had a wierd reaction to it and went to bed because she couldn't see!?!?!
I had an AMAZING evening, I only remember snippets of it; but I ended up in a cinema tent watching Withnail and I with some strangers, then some crazy lady spilt her wine on me, she kept baa'ing through the film and falling over. I then stumbled on to a wooden structure where some people took photos and showed me the 'aura' lights in them. Then a boy gave me his clip on tail, I fell asleep by a fire, was awoken by people singing, danced the night away, ended up in some bumpercars, drummed with an old Rasta, chatted some shit and ended up back in my tent at 6am! It was incredible but crazy; and on reflection, a ridiculously stupid thing to do! Would never do it again; but yeah, that's my experience!

Shipa: Infuriating stranger. What really annoys me is thick, ignorant people, and I've realised there's a fair few about at the moment. An example is the people on the bus with us earlier. One woman kept moaning 'why is the bus fucking stopping, it's already packed full of people, they can't let anymore people on?' The guy sat with her was one of those men who thinks he knows how everything works and can't possibly be wrong, he kept giving her reasons, all of which were stupid and he failed to notice the real reason..that people actually needed to be let OFF of the bus when they wanted to leave! They were also playing really annoying chavvy tunes through their phone speakers and one was talking about the 'Playboy' bunny tattoo she wanted. Eugh. They were horrific!

Xtine: "When I opened the door, I never expected to see Alex naked!"
He went upstairs earlier and told me that if I opened the door and it slammed into something it would be him getting changed!

My challenge:
I want each of you to write your favourite memory with each of the other bloggers.
Also, I'd like you to write something that reminds you of them!
(Shar, Xtine and Gabs you can't really write about each other..but do everybody else!)

1 comment:

  1. yayayay!!! I'm so happy you have a set day & colour! =D
