Monday 10 August 2009

2 Epic Fails Later...

Right I'd like to start off by completing Kelly's challenge =P
Second I thought I should show my disgust at the fact two people have already epically failed this task!

So this weekk has been wonderful...had some great news the new house is sorted and we shall be moving in on the 4th....for this i would like to thank Laxmi who worked it all out for us and got it sorted!

Work has been really odd! My manager, Vikki, has been on holiday for a week and is off for another one and she seems to have lost her marbles before she went! The rostas are all over the place...we have 2 people in on wednesday and saturday nights which are the busiest times ever and have 5 or 6 people on monday lunchtime one of the quietist times ever!

I've endedup loosing 2 hours today being sent home early and very nearly lost the whole shift! I would like to thank Dan who did go home at 12 so i didn't have to :) Ta mate!

I'm working virtually every day now...with only wednesday of until sunday...I then have monday-friday off woopie and I shall be spending wednesday through friday in bournemouth so I get to see my Sheep-sheep and Laura yay!

Challenge time!

Christine I would show people the Black Country Museum and Dudley Zoo and Castle! These are two brilliant days out with lots to see =P I'd get them some oldy worldy fish and chips, and we could leg a barge into the severn sisters cavens at the museum and we could go and see alll the animals at the zoo! At night we could do a ghost walk from the UK's most haunted hotel; The Station Hotel! Then if I had them for a third day I would take them to Birmingham to go shopping =) Finally I would HAVE to take them (And I have taken Fraz) to the Wren's Nest Nature Reserve fossil hunting as we are the only home to the dudley bug...the Calymene blumenbachi. We's have to go as I am a member of The Friends of the Wren's Nest the group who care for this important peice of heratage...Oh and they would have to come to my Mom's for sunday lunch!
Dudley Castle
Actors from the Black Country Museum

The Dudley Bug!

I would be a christmas reasons would be I am big, round and slightly alcoholic :)

As no-one else even bothered to post lol I shall now set my challenge is a repeat of kelly's everyone is to post on their right day in their right colour completing all challenges and setting their own!

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