Sunday 2 August 2009

Stopped Speeding Sunday Seriously Sucks.

Ok, so i feel like i should start out kinda explaining my title. I wasn't stopped speeding on sunday, it was wednesday, but it still seriously sucked. My ex-boyfriend/fuck buddy, Dan (christine you're probably giving my post dirty looks right now, the same looks i give to your texts about tom lol) anyway, dan came to visit me, which was a really nice thing to do (about a year too late, but i still appreciate it) on wednesday we went into philly for some sight seeing, went out for lunch, and then decided to drive down to atlantic city. as i was driving on the ac expressway, this van comes up behind me and is completely riding my ass so i sped up, giving into the van's demands. then i pass a police car parked behind some trees on the side of the road, so i slowed down but the cop pulled out. he didnt pull me over right away he just kinda followed me a bit until i got up to 65mph. thats when he turned those familiar flashing lights on and i pulled over. then dan wakes up (apparently he fell asleep) and looks at me and says "is everything ok why are we stopping?" i just stared at him right back and said "have you looked behind us?" anyway, long story slightly shorter - it's the end of the month and cops have quotas so the asshole wrote me a ticket for going 92 in a 65. as i pulled over i put on that song by akon and wheezy about going 90 in a 65.
after that ordeal atlantic city was smooth sailing. we went into a casino and we were playing those 25 cent slot machines (i guess thats like 15p) i put in $10 and played a few times until i was down like $1.25 then i said to dan "this is boring lets play something else" then i spun the thing one last time and it just started dinging like crazy and the numbers just kept going up and i had no idea when it was gonna stop! and when it finally did i saw that i won $120!!! so happy! and then i played a different machine and won another $30. now ofcourse i have to spend all that money and more on that fucking speeding ticket.

since i am now close to being in debt, i will set my goal for myself. i think i should actually try to save some money. i'm going to try to save $1000 a month, or as close to that as i can get, so I can have at least $10,000 saved up by the time i graduate. damn this is never gonna happen. im looking at it now just shaking my head in disbelief that im actually setting such an impossible goal. for some people this shits easy, but im ridiculous when it comes to spending/losing money.

best experience on a bus would probably be the time i had sex on a bus after junior prom. i didnt actually go to the prom i just went to the after party and did it on a parked bus ... along with 3 other couples from my school.

Celebrity i would party/do drugs with would have to be lindsay lohan. remember that kelly? we totally tried.

for some reason this piece of shit wont let me upload a photo or change the font color right now (fuck my life) so im gonna try to do it in a new post but i cant figure out how to delete the old post. grrr. ok i was able to change the font color but i still cant upload a fucking photo.

Nevermind, I've figured out the problem and all is now well in the world. please enjoy this insane picture of me riding a mechanical bull half naked during mardi gras in new orleans. this is in response to christines challenge of posting a crazy/ridiculous picture.

anyway challenge is to watch a movie you've never seen or heard of and just tell us what it is and whether or not you'd recommend it. I actually did that last night (love netflix) young people fucking and it follows five different relationships through like one sexual experience. the whole idea of it seemed pretty cool and there were a few funny bits but it ended up being kinda lame.

much love!


  1. I laughed OUT LOUD when I read about the Akon song! So are you and Dan getting back together?? X x x x

  2. hey! christine is not the only one giving death glares..if you could only see my eyes..oh boy..

    -you should fight the ticket, half the time the cop doesn't even show up for court or if they do fight it and it can get reduced to traffic violation which is much cheaper.

    ps-i bet lindsay lohan had amazing drugs that night hahaha
