Wednesday 12 August 2009

good news all around. =]

WIN: I just pwned Kelly and Alex's challenge.

So this week, I don't really have much to tell ...

MARTIN IS FLYING INTO JFK TOMORROW!! I'm so excited to go pick him up!! He's spending five days in New York with me, it's going to be great!!! I think this is the most excited I've been about anything all summer. Haha. Idk though, I was super stoked to get my license.

I'M DONE WITH WORK! Wow, you have no idea how fucking happy I am about that. I'M DONE. I just love saying it. I'm done! This summer I just started to hate working there, and everyday it just got worse and worse because everyday I started to hate it more and more. We are allowed to begin to sign out at 3:30 and by 3:32 I was on the highway, speeding just to get away from the fucking place.

Oh! Little update on my health!! I went for testing on Monday & I'm going to live. I need to make some adjustments to my daily living to keep the ailment under control, but it looks as though I will survive. I went under anestesia for the first time for this testing. It was fucking crazy, I hated it, I seriously don't remember a fucking thing, which I find to be kind of terrible. It took me almost an hour to shake off the anestesia, and I couldn't really function/think well for the rest of the day.

Sorry this post is so short, I don't really have much to write home about. Next week, I'll definately have more to write, as I am sure I will have an eventful week with Martin! My challenge for ya'll this week is to complete this sentence: "When I opened the door, I never expected to see ____________"

I'm tired, so I'm signing off.
Goodnight my loves.

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