Thursday 6 August 2009

blood sucker.

So sorry for not posting yesterday. I was a bit distracted. I'll spare you all the gory details. In short, I had a doctor appointment yesterday. He told me I had to get blood work done today & I'm going for a procedure on Monday. I don't do so well with all this medical stuff, I cry and faint really easily. So, hope Monday comes soon for me & all goes well. I'm really concerned about all this, so I've been dealing with stress headaches and worry. Monday will come soon enough and this will be over in no time. I'm fine, going to live and all, but this is just something I have to attend to. The good thing from all of this, is that I got to meet a new AWESOME doctor. I swear to god, if this guy wasn't like 15 years older than me, we'd be best friends. He's hilarious & one of those really insanely intelligent people, who isn't a dick about it. Good times, I totally trust everything he's saying & he doesn't treat me like I'm some dumb little kid. I mean, I'm not some dumb little kid, but I've had some doctors that treated me like that. =( No worries though, I know I'm in good hands.

Since I'm in the process of having all this done, I get to take two days off of work! Haha! Now I only have two more days!! YAAAAAAAY! Although, I started to really like the classroom I was placed in, and driving myself to work is immensely better than hitching a ride with other people. Although, most mediocre things must come to an end and I'm not that broken up about not having to work for the rest of the month. =]

One week from today, Martin flies into JFK airport & I will be anxiously waiting at the airport to meet him! I'm so excited to see him! It's going to be great! We're going to a baseball game, and the beach, my brother's surprise birthday cook out & there will even be a surprise guest joining us for part of his visit! =] Oh & I am so happy I can drive us around while he's here instead of having to ask my mom to drive us everywhere. Hahaha.

Okay ... challenge time!

Alex: I would probably be a canoli filled cake. Canoli because I'm Italian. Cake because it has many layers & so do I. - Oh, and it's also delicious. I've never tasted myself, but I'm sure I taste delicious. =]

Sharon: At work, I had to watch the movie version of the Cat In The Hat ... the script was exactly the book. It was animated. Kind of annoying to watch. The kids liked it though. I'm sure you wanted us to watch a more mature film, but um, I spend most of my time with little ones. I'm sure if you were high, this film would be considerably more funny. I recommend this film for children or high people.

Kelly: My goal for the end of the year is to get a semester full of A+'s. It's my last semester of classes & I have to go out with a BANG.

Shipa: You didn't post or leave a challenge which is less than awesome.

My crazy picture shows when I flooded my kitchen with my roommates in order to make an indoor slip and slide:

In the spirit of Martin's visit to New York, I want to know what you would show any of us if we were to come to YOUR hometown. If I were to tell you I'm coming to visit you, what would you take me to do/see?
love you much,

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