Monday 3 August 2009

Monday Makes Many Men Masticate!

Hi everyone!
So what has been happening in the life of Hulland!?
Here we go...Work!!! lol
Okay so I've been trying so epically hard to try and get down to Bournemouth to see Shipa and Laura but due to work I ain't been able to go anywhere! I've been on nearly every day and most of the day at that...I ended up supervising yesterday as I was the most experienced member of staff on...and I've only been there a month!
It's my sister's birthday on Thursday coming...she wants to go and see Harry Potter and then go to pizza hut so you'll all get your wish for me to see it...against my will!
mmm...just finished my dinner...Chinese pork...Shipa's favourite lmao
kk challenge time:
My best bus moment, Shipa, has to be the Gasians on the 205! lmao these two guys were like huddled across the isle from us at the back of the first we (me, Kelly and James) thought they were whispering about us but after about ten Min's we started hearing this sloppy noise...turns out these two Asian lads were full on making out the whole time...and they carried on for the rest of the twenty minute journey...a bit gross but the look on our faces when we realised was priceless = P
Kelly I challenge myself to go out more clubbing next semester than I did in the previous two...I feel like this is both a good and easy challenge as you well know guys I'm not a keen clubber!
Sharon! Last night randomly watch a film called "Event Horizon"... Thanks to you I wasted a good 2 hours of my life watching a really poorly made film with a virtually non-existent plot line, starring that guy off of Jurassic park (the male professor/doctor guy that hates children...i think he comes back in the third one too) basically it was about a space-ship which slips into a parallel universe and the crew go mad/eat each others eyes...then a new crew is sent out to find out what happened...give you three guesses what happens to the new crew...yep that's right! They all go mad and eat each others eyes! BORING Please I beg you not to watch will not get that time back and you could do something much more productive, say watch paint dry!
As Gabi and Laxmi haven't posted so far this week I shall finish with my crazy picky Christine...
but as I'm so mental and all my photos are crazy lol (big head or what) I posted a new and an old one...if you like what you see here please do view all 688 other crazy photo's on my facebook ;)
Me ready for Biomedical Science Practicals

Me, Lucy and Jessica drew mustaches and beards on our hands...don't ask me why!


My Challenge is to tell me that if you could be any dessert/chocolate which you would be and give a GOOD reason as to why you would be that dessert/chocolate

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