Thursday 30 July 2009

Thursday's Terribly Tricky Tasteless Tears

Okay I'll do challenges first.. A celeb that I would..punch in the face would be Kristen Stewart- she can't act, she's a cunt to her fans. For my picture I choose this one :

"Ah oui, Ah oui, Ah non,..GRACIAS"

So I finally heard from Arcadia, and they are sending my grades out today, so hopefully I can get all my paperwork for my visa and get that out! Not much new happening, work is work, I am now on full time for overnight audits at the hotel! I usually do wednesday through sunday 10-6! I 'm glad that I finally have some what of a normal schedule now! I hope in September when everyone leaves for school they let me do overtime, right now we are on a strict no- overtime policy.
So I started a diet last week because since being back in America, I barely walk anywhere because it's too far, etc. and haven't been eating as healthy as I was in the UK and gained 5 pounds , which is not good. I am also doing this exercise video program called TurboJam. It's really fun and so far I've lost 31/2 pounds, plus I feel better and more energetic. My goal is to be down to a size 14(american size chart) and hopefully i can keep it up and by the end of this year lose about 50 pounds and be a size 12(american). So this brings me on to my challenge.. my challenge for everyone is to set a reasonable goal for either a month's time, til the end of the year, etc. for themselves and post on here : what it is, why you are doing it, what result you would like to see at the end.
Sorry for the short post, but I don't have much time to write. Heading to our county fair now and then will be heading off to work**yawn**. Question for Englanders - What has the weather been like over their? I swear it has rained more here than it did the whole time I was in London! Oh yeah so the town I work in is called Darien and its like a 30 minute drive from Medina, well last week we had severe storm warnings and there was a tornado in darien! This NEVER happens around here! Luckily, I wasn't working that day! No one was hurt but it took down about 3 house, a lot of tress, and a bunch of power lines. It was scary driving by it the next day!

til next,

p.s.- I almost forgot! There was an article in our local newspaper and a town called Lockport, about 15 minute drive away, is opening an Indian Diner!!!! but he said he lowered all the spices and infused indian with american. Apparently this guy was a chef of the huge 5 star restaurant in India and for some reason moved out here, lord knows why, anywho my mother and I are going next week, so I will let you know if its any good!


  1. Hey Kel, our weather has been proper crazy!
    One minute gorgeous sunshine, the next..torrential rain!!
    It's crazyyyyy!!!

  2. We've been hella rainy too!!! :( and yay for Indian!!! I"ve been craving some and the only restaurants on on the westside of my town too far! Miss You!

  3. It's weird that you heard from "Arcadia." Haha. I was like "WHY WOULD SHE HEAR FROM ARCADIA?" and then I remembered. Haha.
