Wednesday 29 July 2009

what? when? wednesday? where? who? fuck.

First and foremost:


I was so nervous going into the test. I was first in line and totally freaking out. The guy was proper rude. It was raining and my windows were fogging up, I couldn't see a fucking thing. So, at a red light I turned on the defroster thingy-whatever so the windows would get un-foggy. The examiner guy was all, "MAKE THE RIGHT!" and I was all, "The light is RED" and then he reminded me of the "right on red" rule. In all fairness to me, that rule doesn't apply to every red light, and I really couldn't see, I needed to stop anyways to get my shit together so I could see through the fucking windshield. But alas, I passed and all is well with the world.

So besides that ... 10 days left of work! =] Work has been pretty good the passed week or so. I've been working in the same classroom, so the kids and routine doesn't switch on me everyday, which is really nice. I'm hoping to spend my last 10 days of work in that room and go out on a pleasant note. Haha. The kids are younger, ages 3-5. Oh! I quit my night job. Fucking UGH. They cut back my pay because of the "economy" but forgot to tell me until I brought it up as an issue when they were paying me. They responded, "You work for us for that amount, or not at all" and I was feeling extra surly that day and I told them to "FUCK OFF" because I'm worth my wages and if they're not going to pay me what I want, I'll find people that will. I'm feeling the hits from the economy too. FUCK THAT SHIT.

Gabi, I would totally bang Johnny Depp. That's your challenge right? We're supposed to openly admit that? Haha. Yeah, J.Depp or Josh Hartnett. Johnny first though, hands down.

Summer pic ... I call this one the "awkward turtle" -- just for you Alex.

I like these picture challenges. I want to see the most ridiculous picture of you, really, show me something crazy. I know all of you have done something nutty.

love from the newest licensed driver,

xtine <3


  1. AGHHHHHHHH you passed!!! Well doneeeee! :D I did indeed wish you the best of luck through thoughts! AND THAT turtle picture made me smilee endlessly! :D

  2. Congratulations lovelyy Christine!!!
    Now you can drive to the postbox to post my letter :p

  3. i'll make sure to let everyone i know to stay off the roads in nyc lol

  4. CONGRATS!!! and I love ure pic too! hee hee
