Wednesday 8 July 2009

back in the day was a [when]sday.

what up gangstas <3>

I can't tell you how long it took me to figure this shit out, thank god Shipa was on Windows Live to help me out. I began writing a post last night when I realized Tuesday night became Wednesday morning, however, I was in quite a ... loopy ... state and decided against posting it. Haha.

I guess for all you creepers out there, I should introduce myself, as Alex suggests in his post. I'm Christine, I met the other flat10ers when I studied abroad in London during the fall of 2008. I lived with everyone in the flat, except Gaby, who moved into my room when I moved out. Although I've never met Gaby, I feel like we'd get along and I'm sure someday we'll probs meet. I'm currently studying Education at Arcadia University in Pennsylvania. I miss London like crazy though. I'd kill to move back. I'm totally fucking jealous of the house the other flat10ers are investing in.

So ... the update on my life? Last night I finished summer school, finally. Now, I'm actually on summer vacation, yay. I'm working two jobs [cool/lame?] and chillen, spending as much time in New York City as I can, because Long Island is a lot less awesome than the city. This past weekend, 4th of July was tons of fun, I was on the beach, at bbq's and chillen on a boat in the East River.

Was on the subway the other day, some creeper man kept staring at me. He totally wanted to "grope my balls tenderly" ... well, I'm sure he would've wanted to, if I had balls. Seriously though, the weird people you run into on the subways ... this one time, a man sat across from me and told me I had pretty lips, he then proceeded to do pull ups on the overhead bars. those bars were put there to help the subway riders keep their balance, not improve their arm muscles, douche.

Anyway, I'm signing off now, leaving the rest of you with my challenge ... I want you to include your most recent "fuck my life" moment in your blog. Ha, make sure its a good one.

I love & miss you kids like maddd!!
<3>xtine .aka. tabitha rhame

PS! Shipa, so happy to hear that the Scot is beyond amazing for you. =]


  1. :D I LOVED you inclusion of my challange!! And I was actually talking to him last night whilst trying to help you! :)

  2. woot can't wait until monday again!!! this is gonna be ace :)
