Friday 17 July 2009

Swine Flu-ey Friday

Hello all! I hope everyone is doing well! I'm Laxmi, 19 years old and the size of a foot stool! This is my first blogging thing yet! Sorry that I couldnt do it last week, the internet was down, and I was in Stratford all day, luckily the weather wasn't like it is today......shit! I gotta keep this brief as I'm at work and on my break! The whole town is like having a bit of a scare because swine flu has hit home =( and my village has a very small population! ARRGHHHH!!!

I'm really missing America!! I can't wait to go back next year! Kelly, Christine, Sharon and Gabi I'M SO JEALOUS OF YOU!! And I miss Taco Bell so much too haha! I'm so bored out of my arse at work today! I've been working in like frezzing conditions to the point where my toes actually feel as though they are stuck togetherǃ I'm supposed to be waiting on some guy today to check for pests! The other day we found this rat at the back helping itself to some cheese! The rat also felt comfortable to fall into labour too!! So we had rat shit everywhere!! fun times!!

Anyways I'm sorry I'm not being really creative at the moment and creating a challenge, I'm being yelled at now to get back to work!! Anyones welcome to set the challenege on my behalf!!! beyweeeeeee x x x x x

1 comment:

  1. TACO BELL!! Did you eat the Volcano Taco?? with Hot sauce??? LOL miss you!!!! :)
