Wednesday 15 July 2009

you stupid bitch.

Wow, Shipa, you left me with a tough act to follow. Sorry, guys, I'm sober this week. I think Shipa was drunk enough for the both of us. Yes, I'm lovingly making fun of you and your inability to handle booze as much as the rest of us and our strong livers. I love drunk Shipa, she's hilarious. (Shipa, this is my completion of your challenge, taking a piss out of you when you're in a good mood <3)>

I'm sending a request out to Alex ... please, can you not post such difficult challenges? Come on, you know my brain, do you really think it could handle that?

?that handle could it think really you do, brain my know you, on come ?challenges difficult such post not you can, please ... Alex to out request a sending I'm.

That's the best I can do, I know you'll love me anyway.

So ... what's new in New York? Eh, I have 19 days left of work, that's pretty fucking awesome. I'm totally ready to NOT have to work anymore. The kids are cute, and I really like being in a school, near teaching and learning, but I feel like I never get a break from it. I'm in school to be a teacher, so I'm learning a lot about teaching and learning ... I don't really want to have to think about it on my summer vacation. I need a break from the field, so hope that the next 19 work days fly by for me.

I am heading to Connecticut this weekend to go see my friend and future roommate, Corey. For all you Brits, Connecticut is north of New York and it's one of the New England states. It's a pretty state, and I usually make my way up there a couple times of year. It's a lot like where I live in New York, except a little more north. We're going to see the new Harry Potter film and I'm so excited!!

I got my grades back from summer school ... A+ (firsts, for all you Brits). I got a 99 on my final exam. A FUCKING 99. It bothers me so much that I was so close to perfection, yet so far away. Oh! My ROADTEST is in two weeks from today ... send me good driving vibes, I'm going to need it. Haha. & I am very sorry to report that I have been in contact with a certain douchebag recently. (That's all I've got to say about that!)

As for Sharon's challenge ... my favorite flat ten moment. Well, if I had to pick one ... it involved drunk Sharon and a very tired group of flatmates. The flat10ers come home from a night of heavy drinking, all ready to snuggle and passout in bed. Simon innocently goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. Sharon, is still very drunk and lively, hops down the hall to Simon, chanting "Simon! Simon! Simon!" and knocks his glass of water out of his hand. The glass shatters into a million pieces. Sharon thinks this is hilarious and wakes up all the flatmates. The only question Alex could think to ask was, "Whos pint glass was it?!"and goes back to bed. Myself and Shipa, begin to clean the mess while drunk Sharon tries to assist. Simon, looks at Sharon and says, quite simply, "you. stupid. bitch."

My challenge this week for all of you: discuss your thoughts on the new Harry Potter film, I haven't seen it yet, but it's supposed to be the best one yet. So yeah, get off your ass, and go see it. =]

love from NY,

miss you kids. xx


  1. DAMN IT!! Xtine!! I am watching it on Wednesday but I am posting on Tuesday!! Shall I just add a paragraph on the Wednesday?! Hehehe, that deffo was one of my fave moments ever too!! :D Have fun with Corey, she seems awesome!! X x x x

  2. Be greatful sheep-sheep made me change it to just one paragraph...i was gonna challenge you to write the whole thing backwards :P

    P.S. I will always love you...even if you are an epic fail sometimes (JK!)xoxoxox

  3. True story! I told him he was being silly! :S

  4. me sooo excited about the HP challenge!! I saw it at midnight on tuesday/wednesday!!!

  5. omg christine i am laughing so hard right now! i can just picture that moment and hear simon saying 'you stupid bitch' i think that goes down as one of the funniest moments of my life!
