Thursday 23 July 2009

y'all come back now, ya hear??

Alright firstly I chose Miss Scarlet because shes quite awesome and can sleep her way out of any situation...SLAG! Anyways so this summer has been quite busy for me with all the work that I have signed up for. I am now doing full time Night Audits at a theme park hotel and sometimes front desk! I am really glad about this because it gives me hotel experience, so that hopefully I can get a night audit or front desk job in London! The weather here has been absolutely dreadful. I think that it has rained more here than it did the whole year that I spent in London, and there has been hardly any days where it's been incredibly sunny out. So my radio on my car is messed up and I only get Canadian stations in, well one is 99.9 and they have a UK host from 6-8 everyday and play top UK 40..ok so to the point they started playing Hot and Cold remix and I started doing our dance and everyone laughed at me!
So what we do in Medina for fun is go to the local Walmart and mess around and take pictures so here is my favourite one!

as for my crazy city moment, i suppose my weirdest encounter ever was when i was at a concert in buffalo and some couple behind us was talking to us and then the women forced me and my friend mandi to grab her boob to prove that they felt real even though they were fake. IT WAS SO AKWARD !! Then this guy in front of us turns around and asks me if i wanted to get on his shoulders because "boob cam " ( its a motley crue thing) was coming and i was like...uhh no thanks kind sir.
Well once again sorry for the short update but there really isn't much going on in my life right now except for work, but hey I gotta afford London somehow! Oh yeah I got pulled over for speeding on my way home from work, FML and the cop was a complete jerk he asked me if 'i was going to throw up' because I was shaking, to which I explained my hand tremors, and then he had the audacity to say "Are you SURE"!! If he wasn't a cop, I may have punched him. But he let me off with a warning thank god! I also started a diet because american food is horribly unhealthy and I am not getting any exercise, which needs to change. I gained 4 pounds, so my goal is to lose that and another 30 lbs. ( i don't know what that is in stones,sorry) Today i finally purchase a book and cd guide on teaching yourself Hindi and learning how to write the alphabet. Funny story-I called the library to see if i could just rent one , and asked if they had any and the librarian goes " No we don't but we have Japanese, that could help". I kinda just went blank and finally said "They speak HINDI in INDIA, and it's a complete different alphabet" to which she said " oh, hmm well all those weird symbols seem the same to me". She must be the dumbest librarian ever! Jeez
Since everyone failed my last challenge, I suppose I'll make an easier one this week. THE CHALLENGE IS: find a reasonable priced house for 4 people in London to rent in september that is near campus/stratford! haha jokes but really! The blog challenge is get at least one person to follow this blog that you know. I believe there are currently 5? people following it? On your mark, get set, GO!

1 comment:

  1. are you sure the lady at the concert wasn't Tyra Banks?? LMAO she had a whole TV show on feeling her boobs so people knew they were real AWKWARD LOL
