Saturday 11 July 2009

scrumptious saturdays! woop woop!

Since i'm awake now and am by a computer I will post so this shows up actually on Saturday lol

But to all you bloggers out there my name is Gabi!!! I'm a 20 year old Scorpio who like hot fudge, Harry Potter, and dresses. LOL but I'm a SENIOR in college studying Biochemistry and I stumbled upon these amazing people by studying abroad at Queen Mary U of London for a semester (directly and indirectly hee hee)!

so i'm really confused about this challenge thing because am i suppose to do EVERYONES or just the person that preceeds me? but regardless I shall tell the story of my life this past week. I have obtained a new job working as a Vacuum cleaner sales lady, as a matter of fact i'm suppose to be out practice selling right now lol, this job is NOT how i wanna work lol but since Victoria's Secret is giving me NO hours (basically like my boss is telling me to grope her balls tenderly!!!) :( i've been forced to take matters into my own hands lol. but besides being trained on how to sell vacuums my life has been pretty much a big party!! My Mom has left town and went to Guatamala for a week and i'd never thought i'd be the person to host folks at my house while the parentals were gone but my house has been the hot spot!! as a matter of fact last night was WILD we went to a house party that quickly got shut down :( but we went back to my house and played Cranium, the best game ever, and watched comedy so fun! but i wanted to just dance!!! but i think thats enough about my life, there's nothing else i can say

Gabi aka Panda Priscilla (i forgot my first pet's name lol)

P.S. FML moment...some egg had fell on my shirt at Denny's (breakfast restaurant for you Londoners) and I picked it off my shirt to eat it when the waitress walks by and says "honey you don't have to do that we can bring you more eggs" FML

Next challenge: the next person has to include 5 song titles in their post and make them make sense!!! put them in bold so i can figure out what they are lol


  1. ahaha that is an epic fml moment..oh gabinda
    ps- LAXMI IS A SKIPPER!!! lol

  2. Lax is gonna post and rejigger it...gab you need to complete the other tasks you missed out tut tut

    PS Lax has been busy sorting the house out!...

  3. hehehehe I miss your face Gabi. Sell me a bloody hoover!! :D

  4. I didn't know if I had to do the task for everyone or just the person in front of me :( but i actually can fit Shipa's sentence in really well lol let me contemplate

  5. ok i incorporated the balls comment lol

  6. Hahaha I wanna meet your boss! X x

  7. no she sucks!! lol i just want some money!! but now i got a new job interview tomorrow at a job that isn't door to door sales! JHEAH
