Thursday 30 July 2009

Thursday's Terribly Tricky Tasteless Tears

Okay I'll do challenges first.. A celeb that I would..punch in the face would be Kristen Stewart- she can't act, she's a cunt to her fans. For my picture I choose this one :

"Ah oui, Ah oui, Ah non,..GRACIAS"

So I finally heard from Arcadia, and they are sending my grades out today, so hopefully I can get all my paperwork for my visa and get that out! Not much new happening, work is work, I am now on full time for overnight audits at the hotel! I usually do wednesday through sunday 10-6! I 'm glad that I finally have some what of a normal schedule now! I hope in September when everyone leaves for school they let me do overtime, right now we are on a strict no- overtime policy.
So I started a diet last week because since being back in America, I barely walk anywhere because it's too far, etc. and haven't been eating as healthy as I was in the UK and gained 5 pounds , which is not good. I am also doing this exercise video program called TurboJam. It's really fun and so far I've lost 31/2 pounds, plus I feel better and more energetic. My goal is to be down to a size 14(american size chart) and hopefully i can keep it up and by the end of this year lose about 50 pounds and be a size 12(american). So this brings me on to my challenge.. my challenge for everyone is to set a reasonable goal for either a month's time, til the end of the year, etc. for themselves and post on here : what it is, why you are doing it, what result you would like to see at the end.
Sorry for the short post, but I don't have much time to write. Heading to our county fair now and then will be heading off to work**yawn**. Question for Englanders - What has the weather been like over their? I swear it has rained more here than it did the whole time I was in London! Oh yeah so the town I work in is called Darien and its like a 30 minute drive from Medina, well last week we had severe storm warnings and there was a tornado in darien! This NEVER happens around here! Luckily, I wasn't working that day! No one was hurt but it took down about 3 house, a lot of tress, and a bunch of power lines. It was scary driving by it the next day!

til next,

p.s.- I almost forgot! There was an article in our local newspaper and a town called Lockport, about 15 minute drive away, is opening an Indian Diner!!!! but he said he lowered all the spices and infused indian with american. Apparently this guy was a chef of the huge 5 star restaurant in India and for some reason moved out here, lord knows why, anywho my mother and I are going next week, so I will let you know if its any good!

Wednesday 29 July 2009

what? when? wednesday? where? who? fuck.

First and foremost:


I was so nervous going into the test. I was first in line and totally freaking out. The guy was proper rude. It was raining and my windows were fogging up, I couldn't see a fucking thing. So, at a red light I turned on the defroster thingy-whatever so the windows would get un-foggy. The examiner guy was all, "MAKE THE RIGHT!" and I was all, "The light is RED" and then he reminded me of the "right on red" rule. In all fairness to me, that rule doesn't apply to every red light, and I really couldn't see, I needed to stop anyways to get my shit together so I could see through the fucking windshield. But alas, I passed and all is well with the world.

So besides that ... 10 days left of work! =] Work has been pretty good the passed week or so. I've been working in the same classroom, so the kids and routine doesn't switch on me everyday, which is really nice. I'm hoping to spend my last 10 days of work in that room and go out on a pleasant note. Haha. The kids are younger, ages 3-5. Oh! I quit my night job. Fucking UGH. They cut back my pay because of the "economy" but forgot to tell me until I brought it up as an issue when they were paying me. They responded, "You work for us for that amount, or not at all" and I was feeling extra surly that day and I told them to "FUCK OFF" because I'm worth my wages and if they're not going to pay me what I want, I'll find people that will. I'm feeling the hits from the economy too. FUCK THAT SHIT.

Gabi, I would totally bang Johnny Depp. That's your challenge right? We're supposed to openly admit that? Haha. Yeah, J.Depp or Josh Hartnett. Johnny first though, hands down.

Summer pic ... I call this one the "awkward turtle" -- just for you Alex.

I like these picture challenges. I want to see the most ridiculous picture of you, really, show me something crazy. I know all of you have done something nutty.

love from the newest licensed driver,

xtine <3

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Tartymionee takes Ton; Tricky Tuesday!

Hello there, all you beautiful persons. I should currently be getting ready for a wedding but I thought this is FAR more important! :D What kind of wedding theme is GOLD?! Jesus bloody christ, how many people do you KNOW that own GOLD clothing?! Ughh, [it is even rare in indian wear] and so I have decided to wear my cream thing...
But anyway what's been going down I hear you say?? Well....

Tuesday: I met up with the lovely Chris lee to buy birthday things for Becky Berry's birthdayy! We bought a Pinata! :D Umm, and I saw more of this Irish Chris character... I am not sure if I have mentioned him before but he was fairly rude the first few times I met him but he has become ever so pleasant the last few times...
But yeah, I went shopping with a load of boys in the rain. [I was totally wearing sandals in the friggin rain yet again!] Twas much fun... oh and I saw this necklace in Dorothy Perkins that I fell IN LOVE with! However I didn't think I could justify spending £12.00 on it! So I told Chris we must venture to Primark so I can see if they have a cheap version... but sadly they did not. Then later that evening we baked Berry her cake and it went a bit wrong mainly because Chris and Tasha had asked me whether they needed to put "butter in" and I assumed they meant into the mixture to which I replied "no, there is already oil" however what they had MEANT was should they grease the tins... :S But it was all fixed up through lots of icing hehehe!

Wednesday- HARRYYYY! HARRRYY! Okay- the magic four were reunited and we went to watch it and it was pretty good. I thought it was filmed VERY well- especially all the different parts of the school- the place looked HUGEEE! And umm, there wasn't enough of RON in it, I decided. Umm, well I was fairly disappointed with how much emphasis was placed on Hermione's love for Ron- because I swear that wasn't meant to happen yet. AND Lupin was barely in it at all- it just seemed ridiculous that nothing about him was explained. AND Dumbledore WTF?! His death was the least emotional thing I have ever witnessed. In the book as I was reading it I was in STREAMS of TEARS but in the film, it was like "Oh. Dumbledore's dead. AND WHAT BLAD?"
Ughh, that aside, it was still nice to watch as it IS Harry Potter! After that we went swimming and then home for dinner. THEN we met at Chris leees and blew balloons, filled pinata with starbursts, signed cards etc and EVENTUALLY made our way over to Berry's! She was very pleased especially as Chris and I had claimed to have made plans when she FINALLY decided to arrange something THE DAY BEFORE her birthday. [You see, she thought there would be no point in organising something as nobody would turn up- Silly coww] But yes, we partied at hers for a bit then went over to the pub. And I spoke to Andy Walker whom I have never really been very close to and he told me I was a FACEBOOK WHORE and that I "Like" EVERYTHING. This highly distressed me so when I got home I went on his page and "Liked" everything I possibly could. Then left a comment saying I "Like" his page and then I "liked" that comment. Ahh, it made me miss flat ten rapage.

Drowning in floods of orange GUNK

Okay, I shall carry on from where I left off.
Friday: MY BIRTHDAY! I woke up to many sweet texts and lovely messages on the old facebook! Soon after Catherine arrived at my door to collect me. I was promptly blindfolded and placed inside a car. Having touched the knee next to me I realised I was sat next to Mahyar. Heh, then after groping and tugging I realised the person next to him was not Jess but Charlotte (Simon Brewers new gf) But yeah, I came to realise we were "heading to ringwood", "James doesn't think there's enough BBQs", "Chris has parked there" and we were "near a bakery"... I slowly pieced it together and thought we were at Moors valley... turns out we were at the NEW FOREST- which made me VERY happy as I had REALLY wanted to go there for a very long time. :D [plus I was scared about being on slippery things in Moors Valley as it had been raining...]
I was surrounded by lovely faces and bombared with pleasant gifts and FOOD! :D We had a BBQ and a wonder through the trees. There was even a bit of log tossing! And plenty of singing to Grease and the likee. There was also some trauma of nearly setting the forest of firee but the flames were soon doused due to Jess' swiftness!
There was even a game of pass the parcel- the best prize somehow ended on me! [A pregnancy tester from Poundland] Heh, there was much fun to be had with that package. I even got a bit of RAIN! It was lovelyy!
Oh gifts included; A WONDERFUL APRON made by Jew Laura, it is amazing. Anddd Chris lee finally gave me my CD in a pretty box full of tissue paper. He told me to look in the box properly and hidden in the tissue was THE NECKLACE. Chris had gone back and bought it for me! I think I quite love that boy. James also made me a CD... it was very nice but fairly depressing at the same time. [Heh, my horoscope informed me my worst dates this month would be with Cancerians.]

MY CAKE had the QM sign on it. Hehehe, Catherine made it! It was AMAZING. Cake/brownie!

LATER we went to Laura's and played ARTICULATE! And James actually played properly after I somewhat publicly unintentionally managed to humilate him. But yes, that game was AWESOME even if the two laura's got a bit TETCHY. THEN we went to eat THAI at my favourite restaurant in the world! Sadly not everyone was able to make this and we were going to meet the others back in Bournemouth after the meal. HOWEVER, the meal took FOREVER to arrive. So I didn't have time to go back to meet the others so instead of going to Bournemouth I was taken to the pub to quickly DOWN a pitcher. [Which I didn't manage] then for five minutes went into a club/bar to pretend I was partying hard whilst Laura took pictures. [This was highly amusing- YOU should have been there] Then, it was hometime.

Saturday- I can't seem to remember... :S I just know I saw the big lift in the evening. Twas most fun- It is when I was notified that Chris lee and Simon Brewer have kissed before. My image of Chris Lee is forever tainted now.

Sunday- My father made me go home and eat roast in celebration of my Birthday- Jew Laura finally met my father and spent some quality time with my siblings and I. Heh... she is starting to understand "fuck you youu" :D

Monday- I went shopping avec my cousin and lil sister! I bought two bras! Twas a wonderful day. I dunno if its lax or Kelly that knows I QUITE enjoy buying underwear...

Tuesday- I got the worlds worst haircut. I honestly wanted to cry. Its the wrong shape and she hacked off MOST of it. It is really depressing. ANYWAY, I was meant to have a work picnic but it got cancelled... Gaura had a throat infection. Instead I met shortly with Georgina and Justine. THEN I went round James' house and threw his whole family into a state of confusion! [They were convinced we were back together] however, we just watched a film (a satire) anyone heard of Dr. Lovestrange? Then we chatted and caught up and read some poetry [and discussed...] and told each other about our uni work- we are pure nerdiness... [It reminded me of the time we both were in his room revising for A Levels.] Yeah, it was nice. Although James was somewhat too friendly for comfort. He tried to drive without his glasses! I nearly K.Oed his ass!

Wednesday- Wedding stress- as explained above. It was awful as my siblings continued to notify me how my hair appears to be beyond repair, I couldn't straighten it, I couldn't curl it. In the end I decided to tie it up... We didn't get fed FOR AGES. It was very stressful- Bengali's generally don't stick to schedule... but THAT was ridiculous. I ended up sharing out the chocolate stick things that Laura eats [which I had bought for her and had been meaning to give to her]. Oh, in my boredom I ended up playing the piano! Fur Elise was very much out of place at an Bengali wedding, heh, everyone fell quiet. Whilst my sisters cackled and I slowly edged away in embarrassment. [I tried to be surreptitious but its hard when in Bengali eyes I stand out like a sore thumb with my APPARENT bob cut.]
Ruairidh arrived! YES! Ruairidh arrived in Bournemouth and I got to collect him. :D I got to spend a short period of time with him and then accompanied him to Ringwood where he got collected. It was ever so nice. You have NO idea how nervous I felt...

Thursday- I got to see MORE of Ru after work. :D :D :D Then we had a meal organised with an interesting group of people. Myself, Laura, Ru, Chris Lee, Simon, James and his uni friend [Michael]. There was tension flying about.
James- slightly miffed about something thus snide toward Laura.
Laura- Annoyed that James was being a dick.
Chris- Hungry and irritable. [But still as lovely as ever!]
Simon- Himself- which was nicee as otherwise there would have been NO conversation,
Michael- Quiet and awkward.
Ru- Quiet and observant

I sadly had to leave Ru, due to threats from my sister demanding I return home- Chris dropped me off, it made me sad to know I wasn't going to see Chris for a while as he is going to a music festival. But I managed to convince him that he is spending ALL his free time with ME when he returns.

Friday. Day dedicated to Ru. *smiles* Evening spent with Laura! :D We cooked for her family, and it turns out I LOVE BLUE CHEESE. That's right guys, I ACTUALLY like a form of CHEESE.
We then watched The Darjeeling Lmt. It was fairly funny. AND there was no subtitles for the things the indian extras were saying so I translated. :D Yes, my hindi HAS improved. [Hope you're proud Lax!]

Saturday- [Yesterday] I met Ru after work and finally I was completely at ease with him and I think he has grown comfortable with me too. :D We went to watch Yannis [his best friend that lives in Ringwood- closeby] perform!
I didn't realise it was almost like a festival and we got to watch THREE amazing performances. The first was a violinist woman and a guitar playing chap narrating a fairytale whilst using their instruments in various ways to add to the plot. It was done exceptionally well and entertained me greatly.

Later, we watched a group of younger performers doing ensemble work. It concerned global warming and was extremely effective and amusing. Finally we got to watch A Midsummer Nights dream- in which Yannis was performing. It was performed to a very high standard. Although I was disappointed by the actress playing Titania and the actor playing Oberon. It was performed in the promenade/in the round. [we were sat on the grass] it was very entertaining and played to the humour aspect of the play. Yannis had a very boring role and I reckon of all the actors there he was the only one that would have been able to make THAT character interesting. He seems most versatile, I was very impressed. I think I managed to insult his mother at the end though... she had asked me what I thought of the character Puck being played by several actors and I started the sentence with "Personally... I wouldn't have done it like that..." [Yes, it was one of the Shipa is going to continue to digging moments...] Thing is- I would have been concentrating on different aspects of the play and I probably would have made it serious as I wouldn't be trying to appeal to the audience they had.... SO it was stupid really as for their audience THEY PROVIDED exactly what they wanted.

ANYWAY. It was a lovely evening out. In fact, it was quite perfect for several reasons...

TODAY- (Sunday) Work, which was extremely fun. EVERYONE is on holiday except myself and Gaura. I managed to get MILK all over my face as I tried to fix the milk machine. THAT was fun. Then later I had to change the orange juice. [Jobs I usually avoid when Georgina/Justine are there] and umm, with my BRUTE alpha male strength I managed to rip apart the tube that feeds the orange juice.. which meant all this orange GUNK was flooding down into my hands. I was just like *SHIT, DONT PANIC!* Luckily Paul was close by. So I asked him calmly to pass me a cup whilst my hands and floor was drowing in floods of the orange juice. He absent mindedly said "Yes, hold on..." Then he glanced my way and bought the cup over and THEN saw how distressed I was. Luckily he saved me whilst I struggled to fit my FIST into the gap to stop the floods of juice flowing... I was covered in Juice. I reckon I shall have nightmares tonight.

But yes, now I am surrounded by siblings. We went to a family friend's house earlier. It was rather fun. I am now trying to spend time with my cousin as she got pissed off that I wasn't spending any time in the house this past week... Heh, I kinda dedicated today to her.... seeing as tomorrow, I leave to visit Catherine! I am rather excited. It should be a very fun week. I will notify you soon.

Xtine: Worst memory and possibly best too;
I was sat on the side of the road waiting for my big sister on the pavement and woman pulls up and comes out of the car and asks me "Are you okay?" to which I replied "Yes, I am fine, I am just waiting for my big sister" and she said "Are you sure? Do you have money, a home?"
ALTHOUGH, recently I was on the bus and there was this weird guy that looks JUST like SNAPE except quite overweight. He got off the bus at this random stop and stood outside and put his finger up against the window and moved it up and down as the bus started driving off. And he left this clean long squiggle across the dirty windows. It was SO strange.

Kelly: Ru is already following this, and because I didn't complete this blog at the start on Friday he attempted to buy me THE necklace not knowing that Chris had bought it on my birthday. It was SO sweet.

I would KISS Rupert Grint. Look at this scandalous picture! Fucking hermione whore.

I am going to set myself the challange of....

Ummm, someone help? I would say lose a few pounds but mother keeps informing me that I look hideously thin. :S I think I may try to carry on with the swimming every week and become healthier as I want to strengthen my immune system as I am kinda fearing catching swine flu. I have discovered my aunt has it now, and is in hospital. I don't know how I will be able to prove that I am healthier? Kelly, help me there.

Alex; I am sure I have included 5 words with the same letter throughout this. Perhaps F? Or R?

Ridiculous picture.... Ummm, me posing as Gandalf in the group picture will have to do.. As I apparently am not allowed to upload anymore pictures. There are plenty on facebook...

Okay. Sorry, it was EXTREMELY long. Hope it was fairly amusing. Next week should be a LOT shorter. But you know how long my stories are.... [especially YOU, Christine.]
My challange is; everyone has to write about their BEST experience on a bus/coach. Last night, I met the HAPPIEST coach driver in the world. HE WAS SO HAPPY, I am so glad I met him as it gives me hope that there are happy people out there trying to brighten up the world. :)

Much love. Shifaaa! X x x x x x x x x x

Monday 27 July 2009

Monday's Child...

Hiya guys,

So today has been awesome! I went to the pub with Lucy and Jessica who live over the road from me, and then Jess's friend Tim turned up and we had a really good got invited to a lock in.

Last week was tiring...I worked 40.5 only supposed to be doing 12-16 so 40 is a little extreme!! But that works out at about £200 for 1 week so woo hoo for money! Plus I got my deposit back from Uni!!! I was charged £14 for a sticker that wasn't even there when i moved in AND £2 for removing a fuse that we never removed! However we weren't charged for the 3 microwaves, 2 freezer handles, cooker or hob that we, as a flat, broke! Whoopy.

I went out on yesterday for my Nan's birthday...and ended up having a huge row with my mother (who by the way is in crutches as she fell over and really hurt her leg!) But we're all made up now.


Christine my strange city memory has to be in Worcester when I was on a red cross duty with my mate Fraz and this weird old dude came over and started asking if he could have all the bandages and stuff...and then he touched our proper groped us and when he smiled I swear I could see maggots in his teeth!

Shipa my lyrics come from Angels by Robbie Williams

and through it all I offer Laxmi protection,
Gabs got a crumpet addiction,
whether it's crack or not,
and down the Pooley hall,
whichever microwave takes me,
"I hope that they wont break me",
when security comes to call,
Mohamed wont fornicate me,
I'm loving naked wanker instead!

Kelly I have asked Jess AND Lucy if they would follow us...but i only asked today so you'll need to wait for them to sign up and watch ;)

Gabi my celeb has got to be Tom Cruise and I'm going to take his money off of him!!!

Sharon you didn't leave a challenge lol so i won't do one ;)

And Finally Laxmi you didn't even post...I checked on your day but, to my shock, I had wet myself!

Finally my Challenge is that your blog title must:
1) Include the day that you have been allotted to blog on (not the actual day you blog on since no-one actually blogs on their day!!)
2)Contain 5 words (including the day you were allotted)
3)Have all 5 words starting with the same letter

Sunday 26 July 2009

every guest leaves happy

ok i'm trying to write down the challenges quickly so i don't forget them.




something about wetting myself?

shit i cant remember anything else except for the fortune cookie from last week which i missed even though i did actually get chinese food for the cookie. it said something like "confidence isnt something you have it's something you are" i dont really get it. i might just be remembering wrong...

ok so i'm really sorry for not blogging last week (also for waiting til after midnight to blog tonight) it's just i was so busy with work and i was so tired when i got home sunday night and didn't even remember that i was supposed to have blogged until i was in bed monday night. monday was my first day off in like 2 weeks so i went to the beach (atlantic city) and after that i went back to my mums house for a couple of days because i didnt have work again until FRIDAY! also, my mom and brother have been painting my old bedroom so the only furniture in there is my old bunk bed which is now in the middle of the room like an island and covered in blankets to avoid getting paint on it. it was kind of like a fort which was good because my mom took the door off to paint and i hadnt brought any clothes with me so i was sleeping naked in my fort (we all know how much i like sleeping naked) anyway, i was laying in my fort and remembered that i'd forgotten to blog and i felt really bad, but i didnt have access to my computer until thursday and by then i just figured id wait until this week. i also decided to make an alarm in my phone to go off every sunday so ill be forced to remember. (lets see how long that lasts)

clue/cluedo time:

damn i wish i was the only american on this blog so i could make up a character and just pretend the us and uk versions have different ones. mostly because kelly stole mine! i am always ms scarlett!

my crazy city story ive got a few but since christine used new york already, and since my new york story is not that crazy considering it's new york, so i'll use montreal. I was driving with my friends trying to get to the casino and apparently montreal is made up of more than one piece of land, so theres this island and you need to take a bridge to get to the casino but you have to get off like halfway across the bridge. its pretty messed up. anyway, we were not having any luck, we kept having to turn around. we must've gone across the bridge atleast 3 or 4 times and we finally exited toward the casino. so we kept driving because we could now see the casino and it wasnt too far away. then, we ended up driving past the casino, like around it, because there was no way to get off the road we were on. turns out this "road" was actually the montreal racetrack. its a closed course for formula 1 racers and i have no idea how we got on, but we had to turn around and drive the racetrack BACKWARDS to get out. then we found signs pointing to the casino. also one time in toronto i saw a drunk man laying on the sidewalk. he pulled out his penis and started peeing while laying down. <-- that counts as my wetting myself quote 'cept that i dont remember the actual quote. (i heart canada)

ps. im really mad at christine for not being able to go visit kelly! is there another time when we could all get together? kelly would you be able to come round here that weekend? since martin will be coming in and we could all hang out in new york?

as for followers, i have enough trouble following myself in this thing so i dont know how thats gonna work...

much love homies! this is actually way long. i figure its 2 weeks worth



Saturday 25 July 2009

Flippin Dough! U know :) LOL...

So this summer has possibly been the worst summer for me to find work. So much I almost wanna quit and just chill the rest of the time!! From vacuums to random crap and now I worked in a pizza crust factory my resume will be splattered with the most random ish ever lol. But none the less my week has been pretty boring and uneventful in fact it has made me realize that I wish to move from Indiana. I don't know where I will go but I can not live in this city anymore!! GRRR sooo boring and depressing LOL. I think I got spoiled off the London lifestyle and now I can't adjust back which speaking of the London lifestyle I think Shafiq has adjusted just fine to life without me LOL which i'm secretly happy to hear because i've adjusted to life without him, he had pics of him snoggin some whore on facebook and with another ho in his lap LMAO boys boys boys SMH

but for Christine's challenge i think the craziest thing I've seen in a city is the random a** boy
peeing on the side of Pooley House (see photo to the right that I stopped to take and Laxmi's pricesless face LOL) or seeing guys pee at the urinals that only pop up at night by Leister Square. I still am highly upset that there are any for the females that have to pee!!! Especially since BK trips XTRA hard at night about lettin folks use the public facilities!!! I remember that one time on the way home to the 25 when my bladder was full to the max! I was running for the bus and when I sat down in a seat that I was ooo so happy to get but to my shock I had wet myself....public restrooms :( (p.s. i just made that story up LOL)

as you can tell this post is hella random LOL but it's okay cause I'M THE ISH (yep i kinda cheated on that one Shipa hee hee)

finally i shall post my summer pic!! of me and my sorority sisters!!! I love them soo much and I just wanted to show ya'll London folks that its not a CULT its a SISTERHOOD! LOL GAMMAS FOR LIFE!!!


P.S. Ima need for the post to continue :(
P.P.S. I'm recruting for your challenge Kelly!! Folks are just slacking
P.P.P.S. My challenge is for everyone a celeb that they would _______ (u fill in the blank tee hee...don't get too naughty lmao) to ;)

Thursday 23 July 2009

y'all come back now, ya hear??

Alright firstly I chose Miss Scarlet because shes quite awesome and can sleep her way out of any situation...SLAG! Anyways so this summer has been quite busy for me with all the work that I have signed up for. I am now doing full time Night Audits at a theme park hotel and sometimes front desk! I am really glad about this because it gives me hotel experience, so that hopefully I can get a night audit or front desk job in London! The weather here has been absolutely dreadful. I think that it has rained more here than it did the whole year that I spent in London, and there has been hardly any days where it's been incredibly sunny out. So my radio on my car is messed up and I only get Canadian stations in, well one is 99.9 and they have a UK host from 6-8 everyday and play top UK 40..ok so to the point they started playing Hot and Cold remix and I started doing our dance and everyone laughed at me!
So what we do in Medina for fun is go to the local Walmart and mess around and take pictures so here is my favourite one!

as for my crazy city moment, i suppose my weirdest encounter ever was when i was at a concert in buffalo and some couple behind us was talking to us and then the women forced me and my friend mandi to grab her boob to prove that they felt real even though they were fake. IT WAS SO AKWARD !! Then this guy in front of us turns around and asks me if i wanted to get on his shoulders because "boob cam " ( its a motley crue thing) was coming and i was like...uhh no thanks kind sir.
Well once again sorry for the short update but there really isn't much going on in my life right now except for work, but hey I gotta afford London somehow! Oh yeah I got pulled over for speeding on my way home from work, FML and the cop was a complete jerk he asked me if 'i was going to throw up' because I was shaking, to which I explained my hand tremors, and then he had the audacity to say "Are you SURE"!! If he wasn't a cop, I may have punched him. But he let me off with a warning thank god! I also started a diet because american food is horribly unhealthy and I am not getting any exercise, which needs to change. I gained 4 pounds, so my goal is to lose that and another 30 lbs. ( i don't know what that is in stones,sorry) Today i finally purchase a book and cd guide on teaching yourself Hindi and learning how to write the alphabet. Funny story-I called the library to see if i could just rent one , and asked if they had any and the librarian goes " No we don't but we have Japanese, that could help". I kinda just went blank and finally said "They speak HINDI in INDIA, and it's a complete different alphabet" to which she said " oh, hmm well all those weird symbols seem the same to me". She must be the dumbest librarian ever! Jeez
Since everyone failed my last challenge, I suppose I'll make an easier one this week. THE CHALLENGE IS: find a reasonable priced house for 4 people in London to rent in september that is near campus/stratford! haha jokes but really! The blog challenge is get at least one person to follow this blog that you know. I believe there are currently 5? people following it? On your mark, get set, GO!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Duck, duck, transvestite.

Hello All <3>

Alex - I am Ms. Peacock, because peacocks are my favorite birds & she kills people. Awesome.

Shipa - That fucking ting tings song. Haha. Thats all I can think of.

Kelly - You suck for not doing my challenge. =P

So my trip up to New England was a lot of fun. We went shopping, to the beach and played mini-golf. We also saw the new Harry Potter, which I thought was well done. I'm very disappointed that they did not include the House Of Gaunt and some of the other memories of Voldemort, but other than that, I liked it. I really liked the beginning, I think that was my favorite part of the film. ALSO! I'm really growing to like Bellatrix, shes a fucking evil bitch, but theres something about her character that I like. I mostly like that shes a fucking evil bitch who doesn't give a fuck.

I have 14 days of work left! Yaaayy!! I'm super excited to not have to go to work everyday. Haha. I need a break, yo. ONE WEEK UNTIL MY ROAD TEST!!! Ahhhh, guys wish me luck. This shit is serious, I need to pass on the first try, or else I'm kind of fucked over. Really, pray for me. Hopefully, I will pass, and buy a car as soon as I can. That's my non-educational short term goal of the summer/early fall. Let's hope I can achieve at least half of it. Haha, no seriously.

I spend a lot of time in New York City, and I see some pretty crazy shit. Sometimes, it's just fucking ridiculous, besides Amsterdam, New York is the most eccentric city I've ever been to. This past Friday, I was walking in Midtown Manhattan and I see a man carrying a live duck around, like it's a fucking lap dog. It was one of those white ducks, with the yellow beaks. I'm obviously staring at this man and his duck and I mindlessly walk into a transvestite. I immediately apologized profusely to which the tranny laughed at my awkwardness. A transvestite, laughed at me, fuckmylife?! This all happened on the same block, 34th street between 6th and 7th. For this week, my challenge is to share a memory of the strangest thing you've seen/encountered in a city, any city.

I think I forgot to tell ya'll this but: I saw an eyeball pop out of someones head. Hahahaha. It was a fake eye, of one of the kids I work with. The student learned how to pop out his fake eye, and whoaaa does it go flying across the room when he gets it just right. It doesn't hurt him, if thats what you're concerned about. He laughs, and is jolly the rest of the day. I have pretty much seen everything that could/has gone wrong in the special education field, but this, really put the icing on the cake for me. It was kind of awesome & I feel as though now I can say that I've seen everything. Just thought I should share that story. Ha.

With that, I'm closing up this post.
Miss you kids, a lot.
I kind of love you as well. =]


Tuesday 21 July 2009

7 Birthdays, 1 farewell and 1 wedding in 11 days + Laura's blog!

Okaay, so I realised I was never very good an introducing myself... Hi, I am Shipa. I am NOT an alcoholic, but I lived in flat 1o Pooley last year and met all these lovely people! I quite love them to pieces, simply because only us lot would think to do something extra cheesy like this! :D

Umm, I gave up on the Cluedo character really, as I am not quite sure I know the characters but the first one I read was Colonel Mustard and a sentence to describe him was: Often considered to be the "alpha male" of Cluedo, SO, it kinda made sense.... What with somehow being BOTH the alpha male and the mother of flat ten... supposedly. :S

So it has been party time- as my title indicates. Jews birthday was a success, I do believe! Even if it did rain on our hawaiian theme and literally piss on our parade...but to my shock, I had wet myself by standing out in the rain trying to fix up the decorations.... I feel like this may have been discussed when I was less sober. But yeah, that was the first celebration. [This was also my chubby brother's birthday so we did a few siblings things that evening 15th as Laura's surprise was the day before obvi because she went to a smelly festival on the 15th]

The day after Seb- the german exchange student who came back to visit for 10 days had his leaving meal. Which was a buffet [of course the boys spent the whole time proving how manly they are by piling up plate after plate until they felt sick]! And the stupid boys were fucking about furthermore because they have free texts and Martin was being an ass AS USUAL and started texting me from the other end of the table, ordering me to go get him some friggin icecream- the texts got increasingly ruder and so I just started ignoring him to which he kept blaring "Shipa, pay me attention!"
We've yet to make amends although I did endure the hug which he forced upon me when departing.

Oli glock's [bassist of the indigogoes/ friend who introduced me to James] birthday on Saturday which was a pub job as he was busy working in the day and he doesnt really spend any time with anyone except his girlfiend Megan.... Yeah- during that day I had a chat with GAURA [Yes Lax, you'll be happy to know I had some firm words with her concerning her attitude towards her friends and her boyfriend! Pfft, friggin Paniotta wannabe!] Then later that day I watched the OC and caught up with Jess. Does anyone like the OC?! It is quite awful... but not as awful as One tree hill?! Is it? Or One true hill?! I don't know! All I know is that the one episode of it that I have seen, ended in "I am going to change my name!" [THAT was meant to be a cliffhanger!]
Aaanyway, the pub was fun, but I enjoyed seeing baby heathy more! Who has GROWN since friggin January! :O No longer at the blob stage.... [not your blob, Alex!] Yeah, and there were exchanges of massages- it was niceee! Even though the blind dog that lives at the pub kept sniffing my bag and barking! It probably doesnt like curry, is what I figured!

Pfft, James is questioning my tarot cards interest! Alex, kick him! Or Christine, scare him away by shouting at him down the phone! [Heh, you know he eventually stopped ringing... and I only saw him ONCE on campus since you went back]

But yeah, Sunday! Sunday was Gaura's sister [kelly's] birthday BBQ. Which was epic in that I knew NOBODY as Gaura went off to work and wasnt due back until 9pm! Which meant I was surrounded by Gaura's family who I spoke to and Kellys friends. It was AWKWARD. And there were kids everywhere and pregnant mothers... and there are only so many questions you can ask about pregnancy before you get too scared to know anymore.... Ugh, there was this one bratty little girl who I wouldn't mind pushing over, she was bullying all the other kids, throwing tantrums and hitting the BBQ and my HEAD with a friggin ball. Seriously, I wouldnt have minded knocking her out and pouring water on her so that when she woke up she would think "But to my shock I had wet myself". And hopefully cry in embarrassment! But LUCKILY Chris Leee came to rescue me. I mean I became SERIOUSLY BORED... like I ACTUALLY discovered my phone has games on it- it has guitar hero!! [THAT'S HOW BORED I WAS] You should have seen the grin on my face and how I pounced on Chris when he walked through the door! Heh, then Laura got back from work and I pretty much had to leave an hour later...

TODAY It was James' birthday. This was fairly exciting for several reasons...
1. it is this day 2 years ago that I met Ruairidh.
2. I haven't been in James' house since September (10 months ago.) And it meant I had to face his MOTHER who knows I have hurt her golden child... but she was actually somewhat pleasant, perhaps she missed me like a bad headache? James' dad on the other had bestowed a warm hug and kiss on me as soon as he saw me... I literally ran into his open arms. Twas beautiful.
3. We were going to watch a performance by a GOSPEL CHOIR in the evening to celebrate.

The BBQ was brilliant [because James' dad cooked!] And everyone was great fun... I managed to get into a bit of a tough situation.... Laura mentioned this festival where there is a tent in which you can dance for 24 hours... to which Ollie Guffawed and said "WHO would dance for that long?" which I CLEARLY gathered to be a silly thing to say... so I had to prove to him that I COULD dance for 24 hours- this resulted in my struggling to gather food as my feet had to constantly be doing some sort of wild jig... I was told I looked like I had "dancing tourettes or something". [That ended, I am not still dancing] as James said I was ruining his birthday! [In a jokey way... but he did repeat it several times and claim it was what he wished for when he blew out the candles... so I decided to give in.] Later, the choir was bloody awesome! I particularly liked the cover of "beggin" but that was JUST for us... this is them [the choreography is pretty awful- please excuse it, Gabi and Lax!]Oh and the guy who conducts is pretty hot, tell me what you think! Oh and we decided that one of the guys in it looks like the guy that used to be in my family but is now on the telephone/internet adverts?

Oh, and we got them to sing happy birthday to James, by being rowdy youths in the audience! And by "we" I mean.. myself with the help of Mel. [We jumped at the opportunity- when the guy asked if there were any birthdays in the house] :D Oh, there was icecream consumed too, it was quite lovelyyy!

Umm, the other birthdays and weddings are yet to occur. I shall let you know of them next week. And Laura is being an ass and won't upload the fortune cookie pics! So... here is what I remember them vaguely saying:

Laura: You shall half wealth in the month of....
Shipa: You are very attached to your friends and family. [Like I didn't know, pfft!]
Chris Lee!: British Gas have made a mistake, you should be getting a rebate.

Oh and yeah, Harry Potter- day after tomorrow!! :D soooo excited even if people aren't appreciating it! AAAAAAND Catherine comes back that day- so YAYSERS!! :D

And I got my results: Poetry 2.2 [sad times, 1 mark off a friggin 2.1], Lits in time [yawn] 2.1, Reading, theory and interpretation 2.1 and Shakespeare 2.1! So overall, 2.1. I am content. :)

P.S I think Ruairidh may read these blogs... so please don't embarass me anymore than I have already embarrassed myself guys... AND can you all present me with altered lyrics of a song of your choice and make it relate to QUEEN MARY somehow. You can just do a verse if you wish. :) And Gab, you can't take "Gabi, is poiisooooooon!" ;)

And on that note, I shall bid you all goodnight! :D I miss you all. Very much.

X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Why hello there blog readers and fellow semi-flatmates!

Welcome to the first instalment of Laura’s contribution to the blog.

Now, I know I’m not an official member of flat 10, but I figure as a part time resident I can be a part time blogger?!?!

It’s funny; a big group of us used to all write diaries on, I guess this is similar but a more communal thing!

I want to tell you new and exciting things that have happened in my life…but there aren’t too many. It’s weird being home, everybody’s changed… and EVERYBODY is poor!! I’ve just got back from the Larmer Tree festival; I went on my birthday (after pubbing with everybody in the morning) and had possibly the most boring birthday day/evening EVER!! I had to work with pretty much the dumbest girl on earth who thought SKA was a BAND, and got confused when I told her it was a genre of music. She then hadn’t a clue who Madness were and proceeded to tell me that she didn’t really like music very much…whilst we were WORKING at a MUSIC festival!!

Then I watched Jools Holland who was pretty damn boring!!

The weekend in general was quite good though, despite it pissing down with rain for 95% of it!

On Friday night I was sexually harassed by a guy in an anorak.

We were in the club at the festival (which was really amazing, spent every night drunkenly dancing on the stage to fantastic music!!!) and he came up behind me and started dancing with me…. At this point I thought he was normal, he was about my age…and vaguely attractive…so it seemed like a good idea. THEN he started getting a little frisky and kissing my face, I was very drunk and found the whole thing hilarious!! But THEN he whispered in my ear ‘I want to suck your tits’. I just turned around to him and screeched ‘whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww’, turned around, grabbed my friend Harry and told him not to let go until the guy was gone!!!!

Why do I always attract the creepers??!?!?

Oh, and another guy..who was about 50 came up to me and my friend Emily, told us we looked similar and then asked if we were sisters or lovers. Like those are the only two options!! He then turned to me and said ‘nice cleavage, innit’.

What a chat up line.

Anyway, this blog was pretty pointless...but I hope you will allow me to write things now and then.

I didn’t do any of the challenges, but I want to make sure I’m accepted as a part time blogger before committing myself to anything difficult!!

It’s 2am, and I’m logging out!

Love you all!!!!!

Jewish Laura xx

I realise I posted this fairly early. I totally didn't get my days confused AT ALL. :S

Monday 20 July 2009

Monday Mania

:-S clean to much was there that Not...up cleaning time the of rest the spent and, hours 4 of space the in people 20 served probably I !dead absolutely been it' work at been I've Well

!!!news some for gagging everyone's bet I post a without days Two


I may as well complete Christine's challenge while I'm talking about work :) I haven't watched Hairy Pothead myself but I was on side-stand the other day (the food counter next to the screens) from 2pm to 10pm and witnessed about 12 lots of people go in and out and being opposite the lady's toilet I managed to have a chat with quite a few blokes waiting for their Mrs' and a few of the women common consensus from these random people's opinions I dub the new Harry Potter film boring and overall crap!

I'll complete Kelly's challenge now too!

"You will make many changes before settling down happily"

There you go Kel...The obvious stated :-P
Well I won't hide my disappointment at Gabi and Sharon but I am sure there is a valid reason for them not blogging...maybe the stole my tea towel!!! As neither of them posted I shall have the choice of Laxmi's challenge.
Laxmi wants everyone to tell her what Cludo (Clue for the Americans) character you believe you are, post a piccy of them and give her a reason why you think you should be that character...Well Laxmi I believe I'm Professor Plum...'cause I'm ever so clever :-P.
I would like everyone to do one thing for my challenge...each of you must include the sentence "...but, to my shock, I had wet myself" and it MUST make some sort of sense :-P.

Speak to you soon smexy people :-)
P.S don't forget Mr. Black for Laxmi's challenge!

Saturday 18 July 2009

2 Days Late and a Dollar Short...

Ya'll hey!!! weekend exciting and busy my in up caught got just I time on posting of intention every have I but late posting for sorry so. it about all you tell to wait can't I! confusing hella is it because writing backwards this in it about you te
ll not rather would I but. LOL out figure could one no that challenge Gaga Lady the beat may this.

Mmkay after that breif craziness I can continue on with my story of my wild and crazy weekend...the rest of the week was boring :( I quit my vacu
um job and attempted another job selling random ish to people at work only to quit that job today i can't stand any job that the words "door-to-door" are involved in LOL.

But one of my best friend's bday was last week and she flew in from New York to celebrate it this weekend so of course we had to do it big. We baked her a cake and had a small gathering at my house since my Mama was outta town woo!! but we ended up turning this gather into a TOTAL PISS TAKE of my friend LMAO. My friends and I tricked her into believe that there was a wild and crazy drunken game of strip poker going on at m
y house in which i was in my Vickys (Victoria Secret underwear for the Brits) and my two guy friends (one of which she likes) were naked and the other was stripping GOSH DARN!!. Can you say TOO FUNNY! so in her mayhem of anxiety she called one of our other friends and had her come over to make sure this game was really going on, which it wasn't but at this time we were tore back and decided to go out to eat and act really wild and crazy at Steak 'n' Shake....amazing night lol...well at least to us who know what really happened lol

Saturday I headed out for Cedar Point 2 hours late with the tickets for me, my friend, and some people that we were meeting there. Of course we got there late and the folks that were meeting us there were highly was I!!!! These heffas
didn't book the hotel we were suppose to stay in and were mad at me because I was late with their tickets that they coulda brought them self!!! WOOOSAB!!!! lol I worked myself into weezing and had to take 3 puffs of my inhaler! :( but while at the park I got my fortune cookie (sorry no pic) that told me: You always know how to conquer the big problems in life i.e Millennium Force the roller coaster that i complelty skipped because I was too scared LOL
Check out this video clip of the ride and u'll see why i didn't ride it:
so maybe I don't know how to conquor them (sorry my ish is acting up right confused)
but that was pretty much my weekend with out the crazy driver I had to follow back to one of my Frat's house
that almost killed me, or my fake friends on Sunday that I must not talk about or I will get highly upset!!!

For a favorite Flat 10 moment 1 word is all I need: EARSWABS! LMAO I must admit I will never look at one
the same LOL

Harry Potter thought: THE SHIT!! and the sexy Slytherin Blaise Zabini was the best eyecandy ever throughtout
the film also I though Draco looked a little tasty too, the suit fits him well LOL but I won't dive into
movie details for those who haven't seen it. P.S. Bruno is WAY overrated :(

Kelly did u give a challenge??

for Lax's Challenge I'm gonna say that I am...Mrs. White
...i actually took a quiz LOL but thats who I am apparently
...this was a long ass post...i'll stop now cause i have to be up in 4 hours :(


My challenge: upload a summertime pic! :)